Condensed format of upcoming UCET events! Click links for more information or contact No registration needed unless noted otherwise.
FACET Nominations are due May, 25th. Nominate a colleague for FACET. Just send an email with the name of the nominee to our campus Associate Director, Anna Savvopoulou, at You do not need to be a member of FACET to submit a nomination. More here
Register for the Teach, Play, Learn Conference, June 25, 2021. This is the 4th Annual Teach, Play, Learn Conference which brings together stakeholders interested in exploring how games and play can be effective tools for learning. The goals of the conference are to:
- generate awareness and interest in the changing technologies and pedagogies in the quickly evolving area of educational games and playful learning.
- demonstrate benefits of using games as part of classroom education.
- showcase practical solutions for the design and implementation of games in the educational context.
For more information and to register, go to this link.
For more information on UCET programs, see our website at
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