Condensed format of upcoming UCET events! Click links for more information or contact No registration needed unless noted otherwise.
Last Call to Register for the 2021 Midwest SoTL Conference, Registration closes today at 12 noon Eastern time. The morning keynote and concurrent sessions are live via Zoom on Fri, Apr. 9. Registration fee is $25 for faculty/staff and $10 for students. The afternoon Twitter Quick Hits sessions are free. Find out more information and register here:
SoTL Twitter Conference, Apr. 9 1-3pm. The Quick Hits part of the Midwest SoTL Conference will be taking place on Twitter, and everyone is invited to virtually “attend.” Each presenter will share a practice for better teaching during a five minute slot. There will then be five minutes for folks to catch their collective breath, reflect, and pepper the presenter with questions using the appropriate Twitter handles and hashtags. You can follow it all, free of charge, by searching for the hashtag #MWSoTL.
Find the complete program here:
“Write More, Worry Less” Faculty Writing Group. Many faculty members have found success in making progress on their research by being part of “write more, worry less” faculty writing groups. These groups emphasize carving out blocks of time for writing, sharing early drafts, and creating specific interim deadlines for key parts of larger projects. Faculty members who have participated in these groups have seen an increase in their writing productivity. The writing group will meet every three or four weeks via Zoom to share successes, dissect problems, and encourage and support each other. Members will also read excerpts from the imperfect but thought-provoking book Deep Work by Cal Newport (2016). Contact workshop organizer Lisa Zwicker at if you’d like to be involved.
Bender Joy of Teaching Event. Perhaps this year more than any other, it’s important to stop and take a moment to reflect on the joys of teaching that have come along with one of the most challenging teaching years in many of our careers. Rather than a specific activity or theme for this semester’s Bender Joy of Teaching event, FACET and UCET invite you to grab a lunch (on us) to take to your office or a picnic table in the lawn, log into Zoom, and then reflect on some of the lessons you’ll take away from this past year. Amidst all of the teaching challenges, what were the most rewarding moments you’ll remember or use for inspiration in the future? Were there elements of your teaching that actually went better than you expected? We’ll discuss these and other questions over lunch.
Thurs, Apr. 29
11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. lunch pick-up
12 – 1p.m. Zoom Session ( )
Please RSVP to Jamie Smith at by April 20 if you plan to attend.
For more information on UCET programs, see our website at
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