Do you want to get paid for doing research this summer?
Do you have a good research idea but need advice about grant writing?
Are you unsure about how to find a faculty mentor?
If this is you, then mark your calendar for the first ever workshops on writing SMART Summer Fellowship proposals. The workshops will offer details of the application process and funding levels, tips for writing a stronger proposal, and advice about navigating the relationship between you and your research mentor.
Who: All students interested in research opportunities at IUSB and all potential faculty mentors are welcome.
When: Friday, February 19, 4-5 pm and Thursday, March 4, 6-7 pm
Meeting ID: 856 0217 5297 Password: 118411
Questions: Contact SMART Committee chair Andrew Schnabel (aschnabe@iusb) or Contracts & Grants Coordinator Erika Zynda (