Please consider joining us this Thursday at 5:30 on Zoom for the Veterans Book Club. We’ll be discussing, Ghost Flames: Life and Death in a Hidden War, Korea 1950-1953.
- Why is the the Korean War called America’s ‘forgotten war’? Or is the book’s title more accurate in calling it a ‘hidden war’?
- Was the author’s technique of telling the history of the war through the story of individuals effective? Confusing?
- Have you known any veterans of the Korean War? What was their experience?
- It what ways did the Korean War lay the groundwork for the Vietnam War?
The Veterans Book Club is periodic activity sponsored by the Schurz Library. It is open to anyone on campus or in the community interested in good books and thoughtful conversation. Please contact Rhonda Culbertson ( with questions or to get the Zoom link for the event.