Federal Agency Grants Landscape:
Approaches to finding funding for IUSB faculty
Learn how to identify and acquire funding from sources such as NEA, NEH, NSF, NIH, NOAA, DoD, DoE, HRSA, PCORI, and beyond …
Many federal agencies have funding sources for which IUSB faculty are competitive, for sponsored research, humanities projects, STEM and cultural education, public engagement, and more.
Join IU Proposal Development Services for a webinar about recognizing funding opportunities, discussing your ideas with program officers, and how Proposal Development Services can help you personally navigate the entire process.
Friday, December 4th @ 1pm, on Zoom – https://iu.zoom.us/j/82802720337
Register please – https://go.iu.edu/3pVj – Registration is not required, but registration in advance will help the hosts prepare an experience tailored to your interests.
An IUSB workshop sponsored by CERES – for questions contact jowells@iusb.edu