The Office of Academic Affairs seeks a faculty member to serve as Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs starting January 4, 2021.
This position is responsible for providing strategic enrollment management for IU South Bend’s efforts in recruitment, admission, registration, and retention of students. This position will oversee the Office of Admissions, Financial Aid, Registrar, and the Titan Success Center. The interim AVCAA will provide leadership and direction to the advising offices in the academic units and work to develop a more coordinated and cohesive advising system. The interim AVCAA will work with the existing strategic enrollment management (SEM) team to develop measurable goals and strategies for enrollment management that will ensure we meet our enrollment targets for new and continuing students. The interim AVCAA will work with campus deans to ensure that academic and enrollment services offices work in a coordinated manner to achieve recruitment, admissions, registration, and retention goals.
The interim AVCAA will be responsible for implementing recommendations approved by the SEM team and current interim EVCAA. Recommendations entail adopting strategies that are targeted for meeting Fall 2021 enrollment targets as well as providing leadership in adopting structural changes to the current advising system to develop more seamless and efficient procedures.
All tenured faculty, senior lecturers, and senior clinical ranks may apply. The interim AVCAA will serve for a minimum of six months, and possibly for twelve months, depending on direction from the newly hired EVCAA.
Candidates for the position should possess a deep knowledge of enrollment management issues, experiences with one or more aspects of the enrollment pipeline, and an understanding of current challenges and opportunities facing enrollment management at IU South Bend and IU generally.
Interested faculty should submit a letter or interest outlining their interest and qualifications for the position, an updated c.v. and the names of three campus references.
Applications should be sent, electronically, to Theresa Heffner at by Friday, November 20, 2020.