Let’s get real for a sec… aren’t we all getting a bit tired of living on the pandemic edge? Wearing masks, sanitizing everything, social distancing, changes in literally everything we do has created a world we feel is very foreign, hostile and unfamiliar. COVID has created & required a lot of change on our part, whether we like it or not.
A question often heard regarding the need for a flu vaccine is, “If I am wearing a mask & limiting where I’m going or who I am with, why do I need a flu vaccine?” That’s a GOOD question! Research has shown wearing masks is most protective for those with whom the mask wearer is interacting with, not themselves! What does that mean? It means “I wear a mask for YOU”. A mask ONLY protects from air droplets or respiratory transmission. It does NOT protect against direct transfer from touching contaminated objects!
Getting a flu shot “works both ways” for protection. It protects YOU from those (people & the objects they have touched or droplets dispelled into the air) who are carrying and spreading influenza virus in the environments you or those you interact with. It also protects YOUR LOVED ONES when you are exposed “out there”!
Additionally, one of the BEST ways to reduce your chances in becoming ill or experiencing a more severe case of COVID is by taking GOOD care of yourself! This includes: adequate sleep/ rest, healthy nutrition, reduce or quit smoking (including vaping), manage stress, effective hygiene habits and… GET YOUR FLU SHOT. By not getting the flu (or a very mild case), saves your immune system to fight COVID when you are exposed. SO… bottom line… GET YOUR FLU SHOT! Protect yourself… protect your loved ones!
To get a “FREE to YOU” flu shot, please call & schedule an appointment today at 574-520-4343 (FLU Hot Line)! We care about you- your IUSB & Wellness Center