The Midwest Big Data Innovation Hub opened a call for proposals to support community activities across the Hub’s priority areas. The deadline to apply is July 24, 2020.
The Hub is a network of cross-sector partnerships across the Midwest that are using big data to solve local problems and managing the end-to-end life cycle of big data assets. The Hub’s five priority areas include:
- Water Quality
- Smart, Connected, and Resilient Communities
- Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
- Big Data in Health
- Digital Agriculture
Indiana University Bloomington is one of five partner universities that make up the Hub, leading the Smart, Connected, and Resilient Communities priority area. IU’s Principal Investigator for the Hub is Franco Pestilli (IUB Psychological and Brain Sciences), and IU’s Co-Investigators are Inna Kouper (IUB Informatics) and Valentin Pentchev (Indiana University Network Science Institute).
The investigators are prepared to support any proposal in the Smart, Connected, and Resilient Communities priority area by offering feedback and answering questions. Please contact the team here if you would like their assistance on your proposal.
Proposal guidelines
The Hub encourages proposals of a collaborative nature, including projects that bring together partners across academia, government, industry, and non-profit organizations and that broaden the Hub’s network to include historically underrepresented groups.
Budgets for proposals should be no more than $25,000 and can include activities such as networking events, workshops, curriculum development, training and workforce development and more.
You can find more information in a short Q&A video on this page. If would like to receive a special newsletter with updates about events and opportunities for those working in the area of Smart, Connected, and Resilient Communities, please let us know.