Tinker Field Research Grants

Deadline: February 21, 2020

CLACS is pleased to announce the 2020 competition for Tinker Field Research Grants. Open to any current IU graduate students conducting pilot research projects in the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Non U.S. citizens or permanent residents are eligible, but they may only conduct research in their home country if it is their first structured field research there.

Note: Research in the Anglophone and Francophone Caribbean and in Puerto Rico is not eligible for Tinker funding.

To apply:
1. visit website here
2. fill out the application form
3. attach a research proposal (3 page maximum)
4. budget
5. CV
6. Two letters of recommendation sent to Katherine Cashman at kcashman@indiana.edu

Professor Emerita Darlene J. Sadlier has been elected into the Academia Brasileira de Letras

Professor Emerita Darlene J. Sadlier has been elected into the Academia Brasileira de Letras as sócia-correspondente, which is the category for elected members who are not Brazilian. There are 20 lifetime chairs. She will occupy #10, which was held by Portuguese novelist Agustina Bessa-Luís, whose works were a regular part of the Portuguese curriculum at IU. Among other recently elected foreign members are Mario Vargas Llosa, Mozambican writer Mia Couto and French sociologist Alain Touraine. She is the only woman and the only US citizen in the 20-member group. A special session will be held at the Academia in Rio, where she will receive a diploma.

Enhancing Student Mobility through the Learning of Maya and other Languages and Cultures

A newspaper article was recently published in Mexico, through the IU Mexico Gateway Office, which acknowledges the importance of learning Yucatec Maya and other languages such as Nahuatl, Quechua, Zapotec, and Haitian Creole. The article states that Yucatec Maya has been taught at IU through CLACS since 2006. The article includes various quotes by President McRobbie on the importance of learning other languages and about other cultures. For example, President McRobbie comments that students who learn other cultures become more aware of their environment and develop different ways of looking at the world. He emphasizes the international dimension of IU’s programs and the learning of other languages and cultures as a means of increasing student mobility in institutions in Latin America and beyond. To read the article in Spanish, click the link: Enseñanza maya.

4 + 1 Pathway B.A./M.A. Application

Submission Deadline: April 10, 2020

The CLACS 4+1 Pathway gives students the opportunity to achieve a Master’s Degree in Latin American and Caribbean Studies in half the time, one year instead of two.


Sophmore standing (30-59 credits)
Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
12 credits completed towards major
No GRE required

Degree Requirements:

30 credit hours related to Latin American and Caribbean Studies, including LTAM L-501
Reading Proficiency in Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, Maya or Quechua

Application Requirements:

Statement of Interest:
Current Resume/CV
2 Letters of Recommendation

How to Apply:

Application Deadline April 10, 2020 at 5pm
Email application materials to Bryan Pitts, Associate Director at brypitts@indiana.edu