In this installment of our SoTL faculty spotlight series, Valerie O’Loughlin (Professor of Anatomy and Associate Director, Undergraduate Education, Medical Sciences Program, School of Medicine) shares her path to becoming a SoTL researcher. Valerie first became introduced to SoTL in 1999 during an information session about creating a SoTL community at IUB, and she and… Read more »
Intentional Teaching is Better Teaching
In the second installment of our SoTL spotlight series, J Duncan (Senior Lecturer, School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering [SICE]) shares his path to becoming a SoTL researcher. J first became introduced to SoTL through a professional development collegium on teaching and learning offered by SICE in the early 2000s. Now, J spends most of… Read more »
Everybody Does It, but Nobody Talks about It
In the last SoTL blog post, we rolled out the new dynamic SoTL database. This database is one way that the SoTL program is trying to assist you in connecting with other faculty members engaged in SoTL work on the IUB campus. In this post, I am excited to introduce a second project we have… Read more »
Do you know who’s doing SoTL work at IU?
Many people do not know that for years our SoTL program has kept a running bibliography of SoTL work done on the IUB campus and has published this on the CITL website. For those who were aware of its existence, you are also most likely aware of the archival focus of the bibliography and lack… Read more »
Do I really need IRB approval for my SoTL project?
When I talk with faculty members about their potential SoTL projects, the issue of IRB approval always comes up, either through them asking if it’s needed or disclosing a fear of the process. My standard blanket answer is yes, you need IRB approval. However, you should always defer to the IRB board at your institution… Read more »
Flipping Part 2: Pre-class or In-class? Deciding Where Learning Objectives Belong
In the first part of this series, I provided a comprehensive list of learning objectives (LOs) for classes. I tried to ensure that this list wasn’t too exhaustive, making sure to consolidate repetitive and less significant objectives. In this part, we will order these objectives by cognitive complexity, starting from the lower levels and working… Read more »