If your course has multiple sections, consider cross-listing the section sites into a single Canvas site. Cross-listing allows you to manage your sections in one site, removing the need to perform the same actions in multiple course sites.
Cross-listing is best suited to sections that do not deviate much in terms of content and grading, but sections do not need to be identical for cross-listing to be a worthwhile option. Cross-listing sections that meet on different days, have different assignment due dates, or require different Canvas announcements can still be a time-saver.
We highly recommend cross-listing your course sites before you have added or altered any content within them. Cross-listing can still be performed after content is added to one or more course sites, but it must be done carefully to avoid content loss.
The IU Knowledge Base has more information on cross-listing section course sites in Canvas. For additional help or to discuss whether cross-listing is appropriate for your course, contact the CITL.
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