There are two main components to any good teaching statement or promotion dossier: 1) thorough explanation of the essential tenets of your teaching philosophy, and 2) examples of these essential tenants that foreground your students doing cool things in your course as a result of your pedagogical choices.
As you are teaching and working, create a folder in your email to save positive unsolicited emails from your students and colleagues for future reference to include in your teaching statement or dossier. This way, you don’t have to sift through years of emails to find evidence of your teaching excellence—it’s already collected in a tidy folder!
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation with me to review your teaching statements, please email me at
If you are a graduate student or postdoc interested in learning more about teaching statements, please consider attending CITL’s “How to Write a Teaching Statement (for graduate students and postdocs)” workshop on January 30.
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