The 2013 Earth Day Indiana Festival was a success!
Tag: education
Earth Day Indiana Festival
Happy Earth Day!
Service Learning Event at Oliver’s Woods, Friday, March 15th
We had lots of fun Friday, March 15th removing invasive honeysuckle at Oliver’s Woods, a Central Indiana Land Trust property located just east of the Keystone Fashion Mall along the White River!
Deadline to Apply For Water Resources Field Trip to Lake Michigan One Month Away
Attention Educators and Students Grades 6-9!
Woodland Wildflowers at Ritchey Woods Natural Area and Nature Preserve
From late March to early May, Ritchey Woods offers a spectacular display of eastern woodland wildflowers.
Indiana Going Green Festival, March 15 and 16
CEES staff Robert Lugg, Elizabeth Johnson, and Austin Taylor, and GK-12 fellow Jess Adamic spent this past weekend working together with Indiana State Museum Going Green Festival attendees to understand how water, sediment, and pollution moves through our watersheds!
Spring 2013 Educational Outreach: Out and About
CEES educational outreach staff members and Discovering the Science of the Environment’s popular watershed model will be attending the Metropolitan School District of Pike Township’s March 7 Math and Science Community Fair as well as the March 15 and 16 Indiana Going Green Festival at the Indiana State Museum.
Spring Service Learning to Begin in March
Our Spring 2013 service learning event dates have been set for March and April. Service learning coordinator and graduate student, Amy Smith, has arranged eight events in our local parks and greenspaces.
DSE Developing New Curriculum
Discovering the Science of the Environment staff are currently developing program extension kits that follow from DSE programs Ecosystem Investigation and Chemical Water Quality Assessment. The kit development and materials are funded by a Dow Promise grant, from Dow AgroSciences.
DSE Programming Wraps Up For Fall
With these unseasonably warmer than average temperatures, it’s hard to believe that the DSE Mobile Technology Trailer Programs have officially ended for the season! In just 14 short weeks this fall, 1580 students in 62 classes received programs ranging from Pond Ecosystem Investigation to Woodland Soil Study to Wetland Chemical Water Quality Assessment.