We had lots of fun Friday, March 15th removing invasive honeysuckle at Oliver’s Woods, a Central Indiana Land Trust property located just east of the Keystone Fashion Mall along the White River!
The chilly Friday morning did not keep us from working in teams to clear the plants from what will eventually be a prairie of native grasses and wildflowers. These new plants will be a good source of nutrition for migrating birds and insects. The many root systems that will replace those removed will aid in erosion control since the preserve is in the floodplain of the White River. We learned that sedimentation is the largest source of pollution in Indiana and what comes from the White River will eventually make its way down to the Gulf of Mexico.
We also learned about the ecological threat the plant poses on those around it, releasing chemicals from its roots and shading out other native plants that could be growing in its place. Our day ended with a huge sense of accomplishment and good feelings knowing we were making a difference.
Make sure you register for an upcoming event and come join in the fun!