This fall, over 250 undergraduate students participated in eight service learning projects to enhance six local natural areas and protect central Indiana water resources within the Upper White River Watershed.
With each project, students learn and experience how their efforts directly influence the local ecosystem, water resources, and larger ecosystems.
Students planted native plants in a wetland restoration area at Acton Park. At Holliday Park, students removed an invasive plant called wintercreeper, collected native plant seeds from an on-site successful restoration area, and seeded the area to facilitate the re-establishment of a native plant community. The invasive species, amur honeysuckle, was removed from natural areas at both Southwestway Park and Oliver’s Woods Nature Preserve. As part of a yearly maintenance plan, students also removed trash from the Lilly Arbor reforestation project site along the White River in downtown Indianapolis, just west of campus.
Special thanks to CEES community partners, Indianapolis Parks and Recreation (IndyParks) and the Central Indiana Land Trust (CILTI), for their support.