There is a well-established link between poverty and incarceration. For individuals who are incarcerated, their incomes prior to arrest are about 41% lower than those who are not incarcerated. There is also evidence that shoplifting at grocery stores increases in times of high unemployment—most recently during the COVID-19 pandemic. This begs the question: does… Read more »
Equitable Sharing to State and Local Law Enforcement: Is it Worth It?
Introduction Asset forfeiture is one of the largest tools used by law enforcement that nobody has heard of. Asset forfeiture is when law enforcement seizes someone’s property (cars, houses, and even cash) if they can prove in court that it connected to a crime. It is used by almost every local, state, and federal law… Read more »
State Spending: How a Shift in Funding Allocations Alters Credentials
I have always believed that education is the key component towards what will make a community thrive. The value that education can bring to a community is immeasurable, as an area’s schools raise and educate the youth and soon to be working class. In addition, both of my parents are high school teachers, and have… Read more »
Wealth, Zoning, and the Inequitable Education system in California
Wealth and race have long been sources of inequality in the United States. In 2018, the median lower income family made roughly $28,700, while the middle income family median income was just over 3 times that amount, at $86,600. This affects education because these wealthy families generally live in the same area and send their… Read more »
How do HR managers hire new healthcare employees during a pandemic?
The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in an economic downfall of 9.1% in the US and has forced 22.2 million citizens into unemployment. Sakshi Dewani sought to study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on human resources departments in the healthcare industry–particularly, what policies do HR managers implement to retain and hire employees during a pandemic?… Read more »
Indiana Hospital’s Readmissions May Be Worsening Despite Policy Actions From Medicare
This past year we have seen a lot of media attention brought to both healthcare, amidst the current pandemic, as well as systemic racism, triggered from police brutality. All throughout the country we’ve seen Black Lives Matter protests bringing attention to the disparities and racism that Black people and all people of color face in… Read more »
Should the Media be Censored? When it Comes to Terrorism, the Short Answer: Yes
There is a well-documented mutually symbiotic relationship between the media and terrorism–each side benefits. In this case the media benefits from increased viewership from terrorism headlines. Terrorist organizations benefit from the press on their organization, activities, and ideology. A good example of someone utilizing this relationship was Osama Bin laden. Bin Laden often tried to… Read more »
When it Comes to State Legislation of Community Energy Models, Sometimes Less is More
What percentage of the electricity that you are using right now comes from renewable energy sources? Can’t name the number off the top of your head? Even if you could, what would you do if the number was lower than you’d like? For those who live in the 42 states that haven’t legalized community choice… Read more »
Food Issues Cause More Food Issues: Food Insecurity and Limited Food Access
For good reason, most people believe that food access causes food insecurity in communities across the United States. When there are no grocery stores near you – or the ones that are tend to be on the expensive side of things, it follows that you might have trouble buying enough food to maintain a healthy… Read more »
Not All Climate Action Plans Are Created Equal
Imagine your city announces its new Climate Action Plan. You’re so excited to see the administration taking action on climate change in a concrete way because you know how important this issue is to your future. However, you realize that it’s published within the final two months of your mayor’s term as he is leaving… Read more »