We all know the story of the 5 little monkeys who continued to jump on the bed despite repeated warnings from their mother and the doctor. This is the story of the 5 little writers who could have easily avoided some common problems during their thesis writing process and made their life a lot easier. Read on to find out what advice they ignored, and how to avoid some nasty head bumps as you prepare to write your own thesis!
5 Little Writers Typing on a PC. One fell off and… Ignored their writing schedule!
Ignoring your writing schedule will have a domino effect that throws your entire progression off. Even if all you get done during your allotted time is editing a few sentences it keeps you in a routine that will pay off. This will also help with end of the year burnout. Having several thousand more words to type in the last week that you put off can be draining and might never get done. Working at a steady pace throughout the semester and only having a few edits to do in the last week is the way to go!
4 Little Writers Typing on a PC. One fell off and… Lost their citations!
Consider learning a citation software to help you. I did not do this and spent 6 hours the day before my thesis was due trying to relocate and cite my sources. I even downloaded endnote to my laptop and never used it! Incorporating your sources into your paper as you write will save you a lot of time and energy in the long run.
3 Little Writers Typing on a PC. One fell off and… Forgot to meet with their advisor!
Set up scheduled meetings with your advisor. How often you need to meet is going to be different for everyone. I met with my advisor on a weekly basis. Some meet less, some meet more. Decide what’s best for you.
2 Little Writers Typing on a PC. One fell off and… Stuck with the wrong topic!
This is something to be careful with and should be done during the front end of the process. But if you find that the research study you’re attempting just isn’t feasible, don’t panic. Work with your advisor and writing professor to tweak things or redesign your study. But don’t stay caged into a topic that isn’t working!
1 Little Writer Typing on a PC. One fell off and… Didn’t give themselves a break!
Writing an honors thesis is not an easy task. Possible, worthwhile, but definitely not easy. Have you finished your front-end draft? Time for a night off with your favorite movie. Got a complete draft done? Order a pizza! Sent it to an external reviewer? Guess what.. break time! Even on the occasions you didn’t get quite to where you wanted to be or experience a setback, hard work still deserves a break. Remember your thesis is written by an undergrad and by no means meant to be perfect. Stick to your writing schedule, but also have a break schedule.
Now you know the story! In your case it won’t be your mother and doctor giving you advice on your thesis (well, your mother might try to). It will be your advisor and writing professor. Don’t ignore their advice, they are there to help you succeed. If you do, you may find yourself with a bump on the head!
CJ Louive is a senior at Indiana University. She will be attending McKinney School of Law in the fall. Find her LinkedIn here.
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