Congrats for getting to second semester senior year! That’s not a small feat. I just have a couple pieces of advice for you as you approach the end of your undergraduate career.
- Prioritize your relationships – friendships, significant others, etc. What you’re going to remember about college is not your thesis. Sure, you’ll think back on it, but what really matters is the relationships you’ve made with people. So, make sure you put in effort and don’t think that this thesis matters more than spending time with friends. That’s time you’re never going to get back, and you’ll regret it if you don’t.
- Don’t stress about not having a job when everyone else seems to have found employment. You’ve made it this long in CARI, so I’m assuming you’re an overachiever. Overachievers get jobs – just not necessarily at the same time. Some of my most intelligent, accomplished friends don’t have jobs yet (I’m writing this at the end of April). You’ve got the summer to figure it out. Plus, who wants to go straight from exams to starting work? You deserve a break. Think of it that way.
- At some point, you’re going to feel like your thesis is completely out of control. The data isn’t working out. You can’t get a crucial interview. You’re having trouble meeting deadlines. Whatever it is, you can overcome it. Trust me a lot of people don’t have their shit together. Everyone in our class encountered at least one huge hurdle. In the moment, you’re going to want to cry – and honestly do it. But just remember that at the end of the day this is a senior thesis. It’s not the defining feature of your life. Your advisor is probably the only one who will read it. You can meet the challenge. I know it.
That concludes my unsolicited advice column. You’re going to do great things. Just remember what matters.
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