Interested in media, culture, entrepreneurship? Check out this story about an IU alumna who has built several exciting careers and businesses coast to coast!
Entrepreneurship comes naturally to Dolly Meckler (B.A. ’14), who majored in Telecommunications in the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University Bloomington (IUB).
“I’ve always been a hustler,” Meckler says. “In high school, I had an after-school job and also had a business where I made candy creations. Think large structures decorated with your favorite Halloween candy. When I got to Indiana University, I created and produced a webseries called Hello Dolly, which started as an IUSTV production and then turned into a larger Internet-based project.”
For Meckler, these projects and side hustles have added up to some major results—and major success in her career. After graduating from IUB, she continued her Hello Dolly webseries and also founded a company called Snaplistings, which went on to be acquired in 2017. Following that, she worked in marketing for HBO and YouTube and, in 2019, founded her own social media consultancy in New York City. Even when the pandemic hit in 2020, it didn’t slow Meckler down.
“I’m always trying new things,” she says, “and that’s when I baked challah bread for the first time, amidst the baking phase of quarantine. To my surprise, the bread came out beautifully and I posted it on my Instagram only to find that I had dozens of followers who were interested in purchasing some for themselves. I thought to myself, ‘Wait a second. I know how to build a brand. Why don’t I give this a go?’”
And with that, Meckler’s challah bread business was born. Challah Dolly sold braided challah both online and in pop-up stores throughout New York City, and the company went on to be featured in publications such as The New Yorker and Forbes.

In reflecting on her time at the College and IU and how this has impacted her career, Meckler points to the ways in which her telecommunications degree helped her understand how people interact with different kinds of media. (On July 1, 2014, IUB founded The Media School within the College, which is where telecommunications is now one of many curricular offerings that help prepare graduates for careers in business and industry.)
“I know for certain that it molded me to think critically about marketing and media,” Meckler says. “I was in the honors telecommunications program at IU and had the opportunity to write a thesis under the guidance of Professor Julia Fox; she always encouraged me to dig deeper and connect ideas. I also have a minor in gender studies, and Professor Jen Maher opened up my world and helped me gain a deeper understanding about people’s relationships and dynamics within mainstream society.”
Explore degrees in the Media School!
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