You came to IU with expectations of how you thought your first year would go. Now you’re over halfway through your first semester, and you may be realizing that you don’t love what you’re studying. You’re asking yourself,
“Is this what I want? Am I truly interested in this major? Is this leading me to a path I’m excited to pursue?”
In the last few weeks, I’ve met with several students who have decided that a Kelley degree just isn’t for them. They aren’t enjoying the classes and have realized that they have a passion for the sciences, the arts, advertising, history, public affairs or global studies. They are starting to think they might be in the wrong major. So we’ve met, talked through various options, and identified new possible paths for them to still get to a business career, just not through a Kelley major.
If you’re feeling this way too, let’s talk! You can also find support through a career coach at Career Exploration & Student Employment. You can schedule with a career coach through Handshake. If you’re not ready to meet with someone, you can get great ideas listening to some of these podcasts. Some of my favorite shows include:
- Episode 3: Do what you Love (but is that enough?)
- Episode 17: Can I Change My Mind?
- Episode 36: Business Options
- Episode 44: Choosing Between Passion and Paycheck: Can You Have Both?
So take a deep breath and start looking!
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