On Friday, April 10, the Department of Gender Studies and the College of Arts and Sciences will host the Sexuality and the Black Radical Imagination symposium, an exploration of the importance of black radical imagination to gender and sexual politics in 21st century black communities.
This daylong event will be a transformative interdisciplinary conversation between emerging dynamic scholars in the fields of Gender and Sexuality Studies and African American Studies.
Featured speakers include:
- C. Riley Snorton, Assistant Professor in Africana Studies and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Cornell University.
- Amber Jamilla Musser, Assistant Professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Washington University in St. Louis.
- Ariane Cruz, Assistant Professor in the Department of Women’s Studies at The Pennsylvania State University.
- Kai M. Green, Postdoctoral Fellow in Sexuality Studies and African American Studies at Northwestern University.
The event begins at 2:00 PM on April 10, 2015, at the Neal Marshall Black Culture Center, 275 N. Jordan Ave., in Theater Room A201.
The event flier is online here. For more information, contact L.H. Stallings at 812-855-0101 / lhortons@indiana.edu.
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