If I blink twice or click my heels three times, I may find myself back in Bloomington, roaming the winding pathways of campus or scouring the streets for a bite to eat. I miss the smell of the coffee press on the counter of my apartment and the sounds of drums fading away as I… Read more »
2020 Wrap Up: Finishing a Thesis
This year has definitely been full of ups and downs. There have been some extreme highs and lows for everyone. I think we can all agree that we are ready to put this year in the books and move on. Before we say goodbye to 2020, I wanted to look back at some of the… Read more »
2020 Wrap Up: The End (Finally!) to 2020
In January, I felt like this was going to be the longest year of my life…I was correct. While this year has felt like the longest of my life, it also feels like it flew by. 2020 has had SO much happen (Remember the panic over killer bees? That was this year!), and it is… Read more »
Top 5 Christmas Albums You Never Knew Existed
While Bing Crosby, Pentatonix, and Mariah Carey have some wonderful Christmas albums, 2020 may be the time to find some new artists to spice up your Christmas playlists. One can only listen to “All I Want for Christmas” so many times…Here are my Top 5 Christmas Albums You Never Knew Existed. I hope you enjoy!… Read more »
Recharging Your Creativity: Allow Yourself to Relax
We constantly hear messages about spending time relaxing and taking the time to treat yourself. While it can get really tiring hearing this a lot, it is important to remember. Especially if you are a creative person. Allowing yourself to take a break and do something fun and relaxing will help you recharge. As a… Read more »
Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers with Thelonious Monk
Lately, I’ve been spending my time revisiting albums that I enjoy. This past week, I’ve been listening to Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers with Thelonious Monk. Thelonious Monk is my favorite jazz artist! When I first started playing jazz, I was most drawn to his music. His eclectic rhythms and dissonant harmonies sounded so interesting to me…. Read more »
Student Organization Spotlight: Civic Leaders Center
The Civic Leaders Center (CLC) is a living-learning community based out of Briscoe Quad. The CLC focuses on the small community atmosphere and teaches students to lead together, live together, and learn together. The program mainly consists of students from the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, but the program is open to students from… Read more »
The Wylie House Welcomes You Home
If you rewind Indiana University to its early days, you inevitably end up at the Wylie House with the Wylie family. Andrew Wylie, IU’s first president, built the house in 1835, and five generations of Wylie family members occupied the property for over three-quarters of a century. Members of each generation attended or taught at… Read more »
IU 2020 Documentary Film Series
Indiana University is a huge campus that can be so intimidating when you start out. How are you supposed to find friends when there are so many people? How are you supposed to make campus feel small? How are you supposed to make IU home? Through the IU 2020 documentary film series, we get to… Read more »
Histories Uncovered: Margaret Bourke-White, American Photojournalist
As a media student, I am always interested in learning more about important figures who paved the way for what the media industry is today. I am interested in all aspects of media, but there was one point in my life when I wanted to be a photojournalist. I have since figured out that photography… Read more »