When I came to IU, I honestly had no expectations. My parents told me I would love college and anything seemed better than high school so I came in with a positive attitude. For the most part, my optimism was warranted. I lived in an LLC so was surrounded by people who shared my interests…… Read more »
Month: February 2021
Started at 21 Credit Hours, Now We’re Here
Last semester, when it was time to register for classes for the spring semester, I registered for 21 credit hours. At the time, I thought it was a great idea because everything is online, so that means more time for homework; I was completely wrong. By the time winter break came around and I was…… Read more »
Class During a Pandemic: Study Abroad Experience
Compared to last semester and the one before it, this semester has been much better and easier to adjust to. Spring 2020 was the most confusing time of most people’s college careers, trying to figure out how to use Zoom and navigate this unprecedented situation. Fall 2020 we were all a little bit more prepared……. Read more »
Student Practices: Painting From Start to Finish
Often we don’t get to see or hear about any behind the scenes processes from IU’s student artists. As a painter who just finished a thesis, I thought I might take you all through the steps of how I go about constructing my paintings. Step 1: Find what I want to paint. First,…… Read more »
Class During a Pandemic: The Zoom Blues
At this point, most of us are used to life in a pandemic, including in our academic lives. We have migrated from traditional classrooms to zoom meetings, accustomed to breakout rooms and screen sharing. I, like many of my peers, have grown tired of zoom and eager to return to the classrooms. However, I understand…… Read more »
Keeping Work and Play Separate During the Pandemic
One of the biggest changes in many students’ lives during the pandemic is having to do the majority if not all of our classes online. Starting from the spring semester of 2020, Zoom classes have become the new normal for a lot of us. This semester marks the third one since online classes have been…… Read more »
Student Practices: Jasmine Bergmann
Hello, My name is Jasmine Bergmann and I am the web design intern for the Arts and Humanities council. Outside of that I am a junior in informatics with a cognate (aka a concentration) in graphic design and a minor in creative technologies. While a typical day in my field of study has changed since…… Read more »
Valentine’s Day Art
Valentine’s Day is in just a few days, and if you’re anything like me, you completely forgot about the holiday. Maybe you’re in a relationship and excited to spend Valentine’s Day with your significant other, but if you’re single like me, you are excited to spend the day watching romantic comedies and eating chocolate (then…… Read more »
An Eye Opening Documentary
I am sure many of you have seen or at least heard of the popular Netflix documentary, Social Dilemma. To quickly sum it up, several ex-engineers and ex-executives of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, and other big tech companies are interviewed and give their take on the dangers and current state of social media in modern…… Read more »
Honoring Cicely Tyson: A Pioneer in Black Hollywood
Black History Month is the time of the year to highlight the significant contributions African Americans have made to this country. This history however, in many ways, has been integral to the formation and progression of this country and therefore should be taught and treated the same way as the material that is classified…… Read more »