This will probably disappoint many musically literate readers, but prior to 2020, I had never heard of Fiona Apple. All of a sudden, at the beginning of April, the internet was abuzz with her name; at a friend’s behest, I listened to her new album, Fetch the Bolt Cutters, when it was released on April… Read more »
A Podcast for Music Lovers…
Earlier this year, my good friend recommended a podcast on Spotify: Song Exploder. Each episode invites a new artist to reflect on the process of creating one of their songs. For some, they dive into a deep explanation of how each instrument was added, how each sound was layered, how the final product came to… Read more »
Spot the Swan
Missing museums? Me too! During this time, I’ve been browsing Google Arts & Culture’s virtual museum tours. While scrolling, I found a game highlighted on their homepage that intrigued me. The game is called Spot the Swan at the Rijksmuseum, and the description reads, “Become an art-detective and scour the halls of Amsterdam’s famous museum… Read more »
I Am Not So Sad as I Am Completely and Utterly Grateful.
Dear IU: I have watched cycles of red and white tulips bloom and disappear. I have watched how, everywhere, the branches of the trees in Autumn become gilded in metals—golds and bronzes. When the wind blows, they are set on fire and bend brilliantly. Traversing the stars with my tired, 2:00 AM eyes, I’ve laid… Read more »
Quarantine Mood Playlist: (Back) In Da Club
For the last of our series, we want to leave everyone on a hopeful note that things will get better. Through these playlists, we have reminisced about the good times we’ve had with our favorite people before the quarantine. With this final playlist, we want to know what song you can’t wait to hear when… Read more »
Thanks, IU
Dear IU: I feel I have much to thank you for. I’ll start with your good looks: thanks for your many trees, your spring tulips and flowering dogwoods, your winding waterways. Thanks for being the best place to take an aimless wander. Thanks for the stairs in Ballantine, how they’re the best at making me… Read more »
Keeping Art Alive: Art Transcends Time
Art reflects our dense history in any given moment. Illustrating human experiences, our world would not be interconnected without the existence of art. It allows us to learn about people and places that we would have never known otherwise. We are then able to see the world through different perspectives, allowing us to understand people,… Read more »
Virtual Island Escape
When most people think of art, the first that comes to mind is probably not a video game. However, when in production, thousands of hours go into 3D design, illustration, graphic design, musical scores, and so much more to create a piece of intricate art that the average person can interact with, enjoy, and make… Read more »
Upcycled Art: Doing Your Part and Making Art
While I have not consumed art through the forms of virtual exhibits and recorded performances yet, I have had the chance to make my own art throughout quarantine more than I typically would while having in-person obligations. It started out small scale, sketching and coloring like I typically do in my free time. A few… Read more »
Keeping Art Alive: Letters to Myself and Others
During the start of quarantine, I decided to challenge myself with something I have never done before: writing letters to myself. As a visual arts person, I do not always think about the written arts and how they could be beneficial in times of high stress and uncertainty. So, what better time than this present… Read more »