My name is Jasmine Bergmann and I am the web design intern for the Arts and Humanities council. Outside of that I am a junior in informatics with a cognate (aka a concentration) in graphic design and a minor in creative technologies. While a typical day in my field of study has changed since COVID, I have finally started to settle into a comfortable quarantine routine.
My schedule is a bit strange, because I only find myself productive really early in the morning or really late at night. Because of my strange schedule, I typically try to force myself up early and have some coffee to kickstart a productive day. Before I dive into a task, I go through my dashboard on Canvas and make notes of the due dates of everything coming up in the next week. I then usually create a list to prioritize what assignments I need to complete first. This semester my schedule consists of a web design course, an intensive writing course, and a production for graphic designers course. Later on, I am also taking an eighth week course concerning human sexuality (a class I am taking for fun). All my classes involve completing major projects in a short span of time, which is why I must prioritize tasks ahead of time. This semester I have been prioritizing writing assignments first because as an informatics student I am not used to writing long pieces very often, so I like to give myself more time for those.
Second to those written assignments comes graphic design projects. I am a perfectionist when it comes to art, so if I don’t give myself enough time to work on a piece, I get frustrated with myself and lose sight of the goal. To get the creative process going I usually create a moodboard before I begin a project, so I have an idea of the color palette I want to use and the mood I wish to evoke. I then make thumbnail sketches to think about the layout of the project more. Once I have my thumbnails done, I pick three or four favorites and develop those into roughs. After that step, if there is not an in progress critique already taking place in the class, I usually reach out to my peers and try to get their feedback on my project. After receiving feedback, I pick the best rough draft to develop into my final work.
The process I use for graphic design is similar to the one I use for web design. The only difference is with web design your revision may not be design based, but rather involve debugging or the more user experience side of things. I believe the similarities between web design and graphic design are what make them fun to study together. It allows me to take two things I love and link them together to create a well rounded program. I would suggest to anyone who is interested in tech but also very creative and open minded to explore both fields together.
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