With the new semester comes new members of the Arts and Humanities Council. Since you’ll be seeing all of us not only post on the blog but at events throughout the year we wanted to take a chance to introduce ourselves. Now, while we could have done the usual three interesting facts about ourselves like we often have to in class we felt it was better to take a different approach not only so that we could better describe ourselves, but also because it was just more fun!
So we decided to ask and answer the question,
“If you had to describe yourself as a fictional character who would it be?”

“After much discussion with the people in my life, I have come to the conclusion that if I were a fictional character – I would be Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation. Leslie Knope is the waffle-loving, unceasingly optimistic, ambitious deputy director (eventual governor of Indiana) of the Pawnee Parks and Recreation department.
While I am not always unceasingly optimistic, I definitely see parts of myself in Leslie Knope. From the small things such as questioning why anyone would ever eat anything other than breakfast food, to the big things such as constantly voicing my opinions on equality for women and the misogyny that plays a role in politics. Leslie Knope is a character that I strive to be in my own life, she is optimistic and unwaveringly determined in the causes she cares about. Knope is constantly trying her absolute best and striving to create a better future and environment for not only herself but also for the people around her. I am not working towards a career in politics but I am working towards a career that I will love and whole-heartedly strive to better like Leslie Knope and the parks department.
One of my favorite things about Leslie Knope are her many one-off quotes that really showcase her personality. Here are a few of my favorite quotes:
- “Hey, Leslie. It’s Leslie. Hang in there. I love you. Bye” I think we should all strive to love and encourage ourselves like Leslie supported herself
- “I am super chill all the time” I am in fact not super chill all the time and neither is she, but we love thinking we are
- “We have to remember what’s important in life: friends, waffles, and work. Or waffles, friends, work. But work has to come third.” Leslie is in fact correct the waffles are super important, I personally think the order is waffles, friends, and work
- “No matter what I do, literally nothing bad can happen to me. I’m like a white male U.S. senator” the confidence she exudes
- “I am a goddess,” simple but effective, she is correct – We should all be goddesses
Leslie Knope is the fictional character I’d like to think I see parts of myself in. She is a character for all and her character will always be inspiring.
–Savannah Draher
If I had to choose a character to describe me, it would have to be The Sandman from the 2012 movie “Rise of the Guardians”. I have loved that movie since it came out in theaters and have watched it so many times that I can quote the whole thing from beginning to end. So, despite this obvious and random obsession I have fostered since I was 12, I have always related to The Sandman. He is not a huge character in the grand scheme of things, but that does not make him any less important to the development of the plot or as a member of the Guardian
team. He is actually seen as the antagonist, Pitch’s, biggest threat, and strongest opponent. He seems to be the only Guardian that Pitch genuinely fears and is eager to get rid of.
From a personality standpoint, the Sandman is quiet because of his job of bringing dreams to sleeping children. Nonetheless, he always contributes to conversations and tries his
best to have his meaning conveyed to others. He is quirky and excited to be silly and has a good time with Jack, as one of the only Guardians that make Jack feel welcome when he first joins the team.
These are a lot of qualities that I try to maintain in myself. I am also more of a quiet person by nature, often struggling to get my point across. However, I still try to make an effort to
contribute and make everyone feel welcome. I am always ready to have fun in any task I am assigned and try to lighten the mood of more difficult situations. I also want to be strong and
seen as someone worth reckoning with. This is why I believe that if I were to describe myself as a fictional character, I would have to choose good old Sandy.”

–Toby Huter
My fictional character is Annie Easton from Shrill. I love how she confronts being a fat woman with open honesty and confidence, using the show’s dialogue as a platform to humorously talk about being an adult and also handling childhood insecurity. Additionally, I love her growth and her ability to step out of her comfort zone and I think I see myself in her in that aspect. The way they write her relationship with her roommate, Fran, is so reminiscent of my close friendships in how they ebb and flow in their personal growth but always come back together. Don’t even get me started about the clothes in that show either because her designer literally handmade all her clothing and she looks fantastic in every scene. Overall, it’s just a well-written show that deals with things I’m personally passionate about. Go watch Shrill on Hulu :).
–Madison Waliewski
Hi everyone, the fictional character I most see myself as is Kelsier from the Mistborn series. Starting off, like me Kelsier is an optimist, he always sees the bright side of things. This also affects his outlook on the world, he believes that the world can always get better. Even in the worst situations, he can always find something to smile about. I also relate to how he sees humor. Like me, I think that laughter can get one through the toughest situations, and believe it is important to crack jokes in hard times. Finally, he is a methodical planner and very clever, which is another way I can relate to him.
–Corey Jones
I grew up quite a fan of Garfield, and while we’re not a perfect match, I deeply relate to the multi-faceted feline. For starters, we both despise Mondays and share a heavy caffeine addiction. I also happen to be a foodie at heart, and watching Garfield gorge on lasagna gives me vicarious pleasure. In a simpler cat life, I imagine myself lazing about 24/7, occasionally messing with humans and the Odies of the world.
You might think comparing oneself to Garfield is akin to calling oneself lazy, cynical, and unmotivated (and you would be right). But when you look closer, you’ll also find a teddy bear-loving softie who, perhaps begrudgingly, does the right thing when it counts.
I might work a tad bit harder than Garfield, but on the inside, I too am an imperfect, lethargic glutton.
–Mapadath, Shreya
My name is Kunal Tiwari, I’m a senior studying euphonium performance and arts management. If I had to describe myself as a fictional character, I’d pick Snoopy. A lot of the time he keeps to himself while imagining fictional scenarios for him to be in. His character resonates with me because he lives a relatively hedonistic life, which I err on the side of. I love doing things that are for pleasure, including pursuing a lot of hobbies outside of work. Snoopy knows how to have fun, cook, go to school, fly a plane, and much more! He’s also mischievous, and cracks jokes and pulls pranks at the expense of his friends. I love to make jokes and have fun times with my friends.
–Kunal Tiwari
Hmm, I would probably say Alvy Singer from Annie Hall. I think I’m way funnier than I am, and I have a tendency to make jokes at the exact wrong times and to make fun of people way before our relationship gets to that point. I’m also pretentious and an expert at everything and demand that everyone knows it. Lastly, I’m a decent tennis player, but (once again) not as good as I think I am. The only difference is that I haven’t met my one true love at a tennis club, but I’m sure that it will happen any day now.
–Oliver Nell
Gus Gus, a harmless, goofy mouse from the classic Disney movie Cinderella, seems to represent my personality and shares similar values to me as well. I am a loyal friend, a silly, fun-loving person, and a hard worker. Although this character has his clumsy moments, he always has his heart in the right place and wants what’s best for those around him.
–Abigail Gerdes
Despite coming up with the question I find it hard to answer for myself if I am honest, but if I had to choose I would say I resonate most with Belle from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast! Belle is a reserved, bookworm who seems to find beauty all around her, but can often be distracted in her own fantastical world. She has high goals and is a bit bold, sometimes to the point where she can come across as a bit snarky, but always means well. As a child, I looked up to her and as an adult, I find myself reflected in her.
–Alanna Fisher
So, as usual, I’ll turn the question back to you, the reader. What fictional character do you think best describes you?
Let us know in the comments or at @IUAHCouncil on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
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