2020 has been one of the most bizarre, discouraging years to date, but I’m not going to let it stop me from living my best life in 2021 and neither should you. For me, in order to start off the year strong, you need to set the right goals and resolutions. There are many types of basic New Year’s resolutions like exercising, eating healthier, and saving money, but I believe these goals are a given. This year, I want to achieve something unique and more aimed towards my career and personal hobbies.
One of my biggest resolutions this year is to open up my own ecommerce store through Esty to start selling my graphic designs and vintage wear online. I have always wanted to become an active seller on Etsy and this is the year I’m going to make it happen. I want to sell my art to not only make money, but to also inspire others and hopefully spark creativity for other artists. I also plan to market custom order requests on my shop in case anyone needs a new logo for their company or a hip looking advertisement for their business, which would fulfill a personal or business need. Another big goal of mine this year is to secure my first full-time job as a Graphic Designer. This is probably my most monumental goal as this job will likely pave the road as I embark on this journey called real life and I plan on tackling it head on. Securing this job is not only going to benefit myself financially and professionally, it’s also going to benefit my clients through the art I design.
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