Submitted 4 abstracts to this year’s ASMS conference!
IUPUI School of Science Tenure-Track Faculty Research Award
Congrats to Dr. Webb and his team for winning this year’s Research Award for Tenure-Track Faculty!
BBA Proteins and Proteomics Rising Star Award Finalist
Congrats to Dr. Webb for being named a finalist for the Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Proteins and Proteomics Rising Star award! Look for a mini-review from the Webb Lab in early 2022!
IJMS Paper in VSI: Native Mass Spectrometry for Structural Biology
Congrats to Melanie and coauthors for the publication of her paper on using electrostatic and covalent ion/ion chemistry coupled with ECD fragmentation for cross-linking proteins inside of a mass spectrometer!
Thanks to the Vilseck lab for gas-phase structure predictions using MD, and to Valery, Diana, and Jared of e-MSion for helping us get ECD on our Synapt!
April 6, 2020 — Congrats to Veronica, Melanie and Dr. Webb! Their paper studying ubiquitin gas-phase structures with gas-phase covalent labeling has been published in JASMS.
ASMS Award
April 6, 2020 — Congrats to Dr. Webb for receiving one of this year’s ASMS Research Awards! A big thank you to Waters for sponsoring the award!
Pittcon 2020
March 1, 2020 — Come see Veronica and Rebecca present their posters at Pittcon 2020 on Tuesday and Wednesday!
SciX 2019
October 15, 2019 — Come see Dr. Webb present in the Tuesday Morning Oral Session, Identification of Peptide Isomers with Mass Spectrometry, at the SciX Conference! See you in Palm Springs!
NIH Award
July 31, 2019 — Congrats to Dr. Webb for receiving a National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences Award (R21 GM134408)! This grant will be used to develop methods for gas-phase cross-linking of proteins by ultra-rapid ion/ion reactions to understand the physics and chemistry of protein folding and cellular machinery assembly.
Veronica presents at AMS!
July 21, 2019 — Come see Veronica present her poster on “Covalent Modification via Ion/Ion Reactions with Ion Mobility/Mass Spectrometry Structural Analyses” at the Advancing Mass Spectrometry Conference in Amherst, MA!