If you are going to do Maker Education / Maker Centered Learning Professional Development, you better have your learners making something. If the session is about pedagogy, I give them a bag/pile of craft stuff (pipe cleaners, straws, coffee stirrers, craft sticks, pom poms, buttons, googly eyes, index cards, colored pencils/crayons, tape, glue stick, hot glue guns) and ask them to “make something”. I will give them time to get going before I start the presentation or I might start the preso right away, depending on the amount of time we have.

People always come up with such individual and creative ideas, which is why I prefer that open ended prompt.

I try to talk with everyone about what they made and I do ask if anyone wants to share what they made and what significance it has to everybody.
We definitely talk about how they felt while making, since #MakerEd has many implications for social & emotional health.
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