By Brandon Huang, 2023 Union Board Director of Internal Communications
This January, four Union Board Directors had the opportunity to attend the 2023 Sundance Film Festival on behalf of Union Board. Since 1985, the Sundance Film Festival has been a premier showcase of emerging talent in American and international independent film. In this segment, these Union Board directors share their experiences.
Anagha Kumar, Director of Films & Entertainment:
Sundance was incredible to witness; it hosted a collection of indie filmmakers and storytellers that had the chance to exhibit a subject they were passionate about. We were able to view a wide variety of movies, each with its own genre, language, and culture. What made this experience so unique was that we got to watch them in real time with the actors and directors, who were all really welcoming to us film enthusiasts! We also had the opportunity to vote on our favorite films, what we think should be shown to the rest of the world, and see distributors and labels auction on what movie they’d represent.
Brayton Rose, Director of Lectures:
Sundance 2023 was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. While at Sundance I saw a dozen films from every genre imaginable. I saw everything from a documentary about Michael J. Fox, the premier of Stephen Curry’s documentary, “Underrated” with him in attendance, disturbing thrillers, compelling indie films, and thought-provoking comedies all in the span of four days. As director of lectures, I am in charge of bringing in the Union Board speakers to Indiana University who inspire and invoke conversation, and Sundance has inspired me more than ever. Many of the films I saw explored the struggles and complexities of minorities, stigmatized groups, or culturally-relevant struggles. I left Sundance not only with lifelong friendships, but also a deeper appreciation for the art of film and a richer understanding of my role in an increasingly complex world.
Vinay Vankina, Director of Global Connections:
My experience at the Sundance Film Festival was absolutely incredible, but the film that truly left an impression on me was Radical. This powerful and thought-provoking film, based on a true story, dives deep into the concept of achieving one’s full potential despite facing adversity and how original thinking and ideation can help break down barriers and lead to unforeseen possibilities.
Of course, Radical wasn’t the only film I watched during the festival. Every movie I saw had cultural significance, allowing me to learn about different perspectives and nuances from around the world. It was an incredibly enriching and educational experience.
One thing that stood out to me in particular was the land acknowledgment that was played before the start of each film. This simple but powerful gesture served as a reminder of the history and culture of the land we were on, and its significance to the Indigenous people. It made me realize the importance of acknowledging and honoring the land’s traditional custodians and their culture, and it’s something that I believe we can incorporate into our own film series to pay homage to the land and its people.
This trip was funded through the John Whittenberger Society Fund through the approval of the JWS Board.
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