by Shay McFarland March 21, 2016 When I first signed up for the Sustainability Studies minor at IUSB I thought I’d be trying to save endangered rainforests, not to prevent the sale of 25% of our public green space in my very own city of South Bend. A business associate and dear friend of mine… Read more »
Practical Sustainability
Greening My Wedding
Before we get into what I am doing to make my wedding a little more green, let’s take a second to think about items that traditionally appear in weddings, shall we? Bride’s wedding dress, groom’s tuxedo, wedding party attire, rings, flowers, food (plates, napkins, silverware, cups), decorations…and that isn’t even close to everything. Now, think… Read more »
Poachers, Markets, Sustainability?
Tracy Horvath Sustainability Studies student Uncontrolled hunting of elephants in Africa during the mid-1970’s for their ivory caused widespread devastation. Corruption, politics, war and an inability to enforce poaching laws blocked African governments to stop the killing. Poachers with submachine guns who were backed by military conflicts throughout the continent added to the countries problem… Read more »
Wildlife: worth more alive than dead
By Tracy Horvath Sustainability Studies student “Our wildlife is commercially valuable.” With a statement like this I’m not sure if the great whales will ever recover. The world was assured during the years of large-scale whaling that the hunting was based on a sustained yield basis. In 1970, the depletion was so astronomical that eight… Read more »
The exploitation of wildlife and resources
By Tracy Horvath Sustainability Studies Student Did humans fail to manage the exploitation of wildlife and resources? In some cases, yes; but in others I’m not certain. Exploitation continues today, but with social media at everyone’s fingertips information today is easily accessible, as well as photos. By doing a Google search… Read more »
How Sustainable Use is Wiping Out the World’s Wildlife
A book review by Tracy Horvath Sustainability Studies Student I have to admit when I first started reading Animals in Peril– How Sustainable Use is Wiping Out the World’s Wildlife, I thought, great! Finally, someone is taking a serious look at saving wildlife. After a few chapters the moral of the book was completely different… Read more »
Simply Sustainable Seeds
By Jennifer Evans Clicking on my favorite sustainable seed catalog link from my e-mail inbox feels like a package of spring just waiting for me to open! Gardening has always been a pleasure and a connection to nature for my ancestors and me and it all starts with the SEED! What is the difference between… Read more »
Sustainable Curb Appeal
By Ben Futa The American lawn has a substance abuse problem. The problem likely started with a casual gateway drug like extra water, but has since spiraled out of control, turning into a head-long downward spiral, ending in the dark world of synthetic fertilizer and toxic pesticide addiction. These substances are produced under abnormal and… Read more »
Grow Downtown
By Libbyrae Troyer Grow Downtown is the product of my senior internship at DTSB, Inc. I am excited to graduate in May with a major in Sociology, and a minor in Sustainability. In addition, I will graduate with valuable, practical experience. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Executive Director… Read more »
Worried about E-Waste
An upcoming event that I have been assigned is the E-Waste Fest on May 11th and 12th. Coming into this internship, I was worried! I didn’t know what all was involved with the E-Waste Fest and was sure that I wasn’t going to do something right. However, once everything started rolling I gained a little… Read more »