Health and sustainability
There is a strong relationship between human health and environmental health. From the air we breathe to the water we drink and use, life here on Earth depends on the natural resources and the environment around us.
Good health requires a clean environment and a stable climate.
A sustainable health and care system is achieved by delivering high quality care and improved public health without exhausting natural resources or causing severe ecological damage.
It may also be useful to think about the relationship between sustainability and health in three distinct ways moving from a narrow focus to a broad focus.
Here Is How We Can Enjoy a Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle
- Care for Yourself – The best way to live a lifestyle that you can sustain is by caring for yourself first. That means taking time to exercise, do fun activities (like gardening!), try yoga or pilates classes, drink plenty of water, enjoy a monthly pamper treatment, read inspiring books, have an occasional afternoon nap and spend fun times with friends and family.
- Eat Clean, Healthy Food – We all know that for a healthy mind and body we need to include healthy food into our daily eating. The best way to get healthy, clean food into your body is through home-grown food.
- Create a Healthy Home -To create a healthy home start with going chemical free with your cleaning products and also your body products. Also consider reducing waste, recycling, composting and reducing the amount of packaging used on products.
- Nurture our World – By living a lifestyle that our world can sustain, we’re making a small difference to the way we’ll leave this world to future generations. Here’s an ongoing list on how to live this lifestyle: reducing your waste, pick up rubbish, catching and storing water, reducing power usage, being kind to others, live in a happy and positive state of mind, have healthy relationships, reduce spending and shopping, volunteer or help others, grow an organic garden and reduce the use of your car by walking, taking public transport or riding a bike etc.
Sustainability & Health. (2020, July 01). Retrieved July 16, 2020, from
Sustainability. (2019, September 05). Retrieved from
Kjӕrgård, B., Land, B., & Bransholm Pedersen, K. (2013, January 08). Health and sustainability. Retrieved July 19, 2020, from
Manuel, C. (n.d.). How to Enjoy a Healthy
and Sustainable Lifestyle. Retrieved from
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