Grow Downtown is the product of my senior internship at DTSB, Inc. I am excited to graduate in May with a major in Sociology, and a minor in Sustainability. In addition, I will graduate with valuable, practical experience. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Executive Director Aaron Perri and his team to beautify the streets of downtown with Spring flowers!
DTSB, INC., in collaboration with Greening the Bend, is holding its first annual flower fundraising program in downtown South Bend. As a dual intern for both DTSB and Greening the Bend, I am managing the project from start to finish.
The goal of Grow Downtown is to raise money for the flower program which features spring flowers on the streets of Downtown South Bend. It will ultimately raise $30,000 to double the number of plantings downtown. However, the program aims to do much more than grow funding.
Beautification initiatives, like Grow Downtown, are at the heart of sustainable urban development emphasizing: community appeal, business revitalization, and sustainable growth. Economic and social benefits of urban green spaces include:
- Improved property value.
- Lower crime rates in areas that appear clean and cared for.
- A positive perception of place invites pedestrian participation, encourages community cohesion, and boosts business.
- Give a sense of social place: allows one to gain social recognition, enhance feelings of family kinship and solidarity,
- Introduce the natural into the urban environment: provide a refreshing contrast to the harsh shape, color, and texture of buildings, and stimulate the senses with their simple color, sound, smell, and motions.
- Foster a connection between community residents and the natural environment that surrounds them, thus allowing for a more livable city. This is essential in order for a community to be sustainable.
This year, spring flowers will represent accelerated growth and blooming excitement in downtown South Bend!
Hanging flower baskets and plantings can be purchased by supporting individuals to adorn the streets of downtown South Bend adding color, vitality, and beauty. Each floral arrangement represents, memorializes, or honors a community member while serving as a catalyst for growth downtown. “Grown Downtown” is a unique fundraising opportunity for individuals to get involved and take pride in their community. Invest in the visual identity & economic prosperity of downtown South Bend by purchasing a hanging basket or bowl planting today. Your donation will make possible beautiful seasonal ambiance for all to enjoy. Plus, your participation will help generate the proven economic benefits, community cohesion, and sustainable growth for the downtown area.
Through collaboration with Greening the Bend and community support, Grow Downtown is sure to be an annual success. Grow with downtown South Bend! Visit www.growdowntown.org to for more information or to make a donation.
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