By Miranda Prowse

Before coming to Paros, I was incredibly nervous. I had never flown out of the U.S.A before, never worked with cameras, and was worried that I wouldn’t find my fit within the group.
I have been on Paros for 2 weeks now, and every day gets more amazing than the next. There is never a dull moment, and there is always something to explore.
Everyone here is friendly, which has made my transition here even better. Everywhere you look, there is something to be admired. The beautiful climate makes the days go by even smoother, and the constant sunshine puts a smile on my face.
One of the best things about being here, besides the immaculate views, is learning new things. I have been a part of 3 interview setups and am even working on my own personal interview project. In addition, I learned how to do Matterport scanning and found out it is something I really like doing. I have also been working on multiple projects as a scriptwriter and created the poster for our project premiere night.
Coming to Paros has allowed me to relax more and just let go. Not everything has to be done right away, and it is ok to let yourself relax. It is ok to stop and smell the roses, per se. It is ok to take a moment and appreciate the beauty around. I have loved every moment on this island, and I cannot wait to make more memories during the remainder of my time here.

I had always dreamed of exploring the world, but I never thought it was going to happen. I am so honored to be a part of this magnificent team, seeing the beautiful island of Paros and all it has to offer.