By Jennifer Blohm
I cannot believe I’m writing this blog from Greece. I still have to pinch myself from time to time to make sure it’s real and that it’s still not me dreaming about it in January. The jet lag and internal-clock readjustments have been tough to get used to, but it’s all worth it to be able to wake up and work in such a beautiful environment. It DEFINITELY blows Indiana out of the water big time.

My first few days were spent consistently sleeping, exploring, and eating the best food I have ever had. The exploring part has been especially cool, and getting to meet new people has been so interesting. Thursday night, we all went to this store I found on one of the main streets, Retro Greco, which specializes in vintage Greek clothing and knick-knacks from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. It’s also the oldest shop on the old market street in Paroikia. We made small talk at first with the owner, Vinko, but then it turned into an awesome night of him telling us all about how he grew up on the island, then left for Australia at 17 and then came back again, how much it has changed (for better and for worse), and clued us in on his extensive knowledge on the 80s culture of Greece. I’m very excited to go back in my freetime and interview him and his wife as a personal project (and maybe pick up a few more bandanas there, too.)

I love storytelling. A lot. And this place seems like the perfect place to do it!