This whole study abroad trip has been a roller coaster. There has been a lot that has thrown me off, and a lot has surprised me. For one, I never expected to have eaten 18 gyros by this point in the trip; yet here I am, bloated but never better.
With only a week left in the trip, I am focusing a lot on what I still hope for out of my time abroad. So far, I have gotten more out of this trip than I could have hoped for. The people I have met and the friends I have made have been the best part of 2019 for me yet.
Going forward, however, I want to focus on finishing our class projects strong. I want to leave a lasting impression with the work we have done here. Years from now, I want to be able to watch these documentaries and know that the rest of the world got a preview into the wonderous places that we got to experience.

Lastly, I just want to end the trip strong. I don’t want to have any regrets leaving here. This trip should feel like a complete experience, without having to worry about what I didn’t get to do. Instead, I want to focus on all the great experiences and people on this trip. I just want to live in the moment and not stress about anything else.
Nick Kinder
It is the last week of class, deadlines are hanging over everyone, and tensions are as high as every final week of school. People are wearing thin on my patience and the stress of creating two finished documentary films are weighing on all of us. These will be the first documentaries that I have ever created. This course is like a marathon, you have to keep a steady pace and need to finish strong. I will be nervous about showing the products of my hard work with the fear that it will not be good enough. I now need to rely on my classmates and instructors to get me through this week.
Brandon Rigdon