On this beautiful and peaceful island, walking in the sun, with the wind blowing in from the Aegean Sea, everything feels slow, as if time has stretched. It is hard to imagine we have been here for just 5 days, but in a good way.
But our work is not progressing slowly. We started earlier than usual today to conduct an interview with Avgi Kalogianni, one of the local experts of the island, and who gave us a wonderful tour on our first day. We were set into two teams, one for the cemetery and the other for the Frankish castle. Each team had prepared questions for Avgi to help us understand more of the history and to further our progress on our final projects.
For me, it is the first time being a part of the process of working on set. I’m excited, but also nervous – even though I took an easy job clapping the clapper. You should have heard when I tried to say “cetemery” for “cemetery,” twice.
After a few days with the team, everyone is getting familiar with each other, the equipment, the classroom and the coastal streets we pass every day. Everything has been set up for this trip. Rolling sound, rolling cameras, and action.
– Fei Zi