Welcome Back to the blog series “Did you know?”
This blog is about mental health and stress. As the semester gets closer to its end, the stress levels rise! More exams, finishing projects, and the colder weather and lack of sunshine don’t help. Did you know the most commonly reported health issues in college students are anxiety, depression, and stress?
When feeling overwhelmed try to categorize the things on your horizon into these four categories:
![Urgent and Important](https://www.toddherman.com/images/eupdate/2021/2021-09/Urgent_and_Important_Eisenhower_Matrix.png)
This can help you set your priorities, so that to do list of yours will feel more helpful and les daunting.
During times of high stress, work on saying “no” to any extra responsibilities or work that is not needed. For example: When you are feeling overwhelmed and stress with your school work, do not take on a volunteer project or extra hours at work if you do not have to. It can be hard, but it is important to set boundaries to protect yourself. Just remember the saying, “if I make myself available to everyone, I wont be good for anyone.” It is the same idea as the saying “don’t spread yourself to thin” because if you overcommit yourself, you may not be able to produce as high of quality work.
Whenever you feel like you need an extra helping hand, remember there are TONS of resources on campus to help you. Check out the wellness directory to see what all you can access as an IUPUI student. Don’t forget, mistakes are expected from everyone! Fall down once get back up twice, right?
Get Healthy SHHS!
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