April 2 is United Nations World Autism Awareness Day. On this special day, people around the globe join efforts to better increase understanding of the complexity of the autism spectrum, as well as to create a worldwide awareness of the characteristics of people with this condition. We know the numbers: According to a 2015 article… Read more »
Entries by wausbrook
Assistive Technology to Improve Functional Capabilities
Special Note: Participate in Disability Awareness Month March is Indiana Disability Month, and this year marks the 30th year celebration! The tagline for this year’s campaign is See People, Not Punchlines. Help raise awareness for Indiana Disability Awareness Month by ordering your free awareness kit. ___________________________________ AT needs can be low tech, high tech, or… Read more »
A Little Technology – The Big Key to Communication
Fear of not being understood is a common concern. When it comes to communicating with individuals who have a hearing loss, it seems that we tend to go to one extreme or the other. We either yell or give up, deciding what we have to say is not that important, anyway. We either avoid trying… Read more »
Bubbling Up New COLA Information for 2020
Every year, usually in October, the federal government announces the latest Cost of Living Adjustment, fondly referred to as COLA. The new rates are based on the Consumer Price Index, which is really a measure of the average change in prices for the nation’s goods and services. Ah, but why should you or your consumers… Read more »
What Was I Thinking?
Assistive Technology for Executive Function (originally published in December 2019) Continuing with our assistive technology (AT) theme for Shared Solutions, this month we suggest helpful AT for those who have difficulty with executive function. What is executive function? Every day our brain goes back and forth between different thoughts, actions, and to-do’s in order to complete a… Read more »