Learn the untold story of the REN-ISAC from former Indiana University President and REN-ISAC founder Michael McRobbie on Thursday, September 7. McRobbie will mark the 20th anniversary of the REN-ISAC with a presentation on “The REN-ISAC: The Untold Story” cohosted by the Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research (CACR) and Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering.
While the REN-ISAC was officially founded on February 21, 2003, the creation of the ISAC for the research and education sector started years prior. In 1997, IU was impacted by its first true modern cybersecurity incident. This event inspired McRobbie and other security and technology leaders to invest heavily in key initiatives leading to the establishment of the REN-ISAC, a complex story that has largely gone untold until now.
For the past 20 years, the REN-ISAC has served as the official cybersecurity and threat intelligence sharing community for higher education. It grew from less than 20 US institutions in its founding year to now over 750 institutions across the globe. In addition to providing for members, the REN-ISAC supports the higher education community at large by acting as the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) for the sector.
We hope you will join us live or online for what is sure to be an interesting historical overview of the founding of the REN-ISAC. Visit our website for more history of the REN-ISAC.