Through the Security Event System (SES), REN-ISAC members gain access to a repository of shared threat intelligence. We aggregate, correlate, and analyze data from member institutions, trusted partners, and open-source providers to ensure that all our members receive timely information to strengthen their operational protection and response.
What data does SES offer?
Every day, SES receives, aggregates, and disseminates thousands of threat indicators from REN-ISAC member institutions, trusted partners, and open-source providers. SES threat information includes indicators of compromise from a variety of threat vectors, including phishing, brute force attacks, and compromised credentials. Want to learn more?
Through SES, your institution can
• Gain timely threat information to make your incident response processes more efficient and effective.
• Aggregate and organize SES data according to increasing or decreasing confidence level.
• Improve threat mitigation and remediation through shared threat intelligence from trusted partners and law enforcement.
• Use provided feeds to create local protections such as IDS signatures, flow monitoring, SIEM enrichment, and sinkholes.
• Share threat intelligence with other REN-ISAC members to increase higher education’s overall threat resilience.
• Leverage the power of REN-ISAC’s trust community.
Learn more about SES from our recent webinar.