Mask Up For The Greater Good
The 2019 novel coronavirus, commonly referred to as COVID-19, is a contagious respiratory illness causing flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, shortness of breath, fatigue, loss of taste and/or smell, congestion, etc. Since the beginning of its rapid worldwide spread, the World Health Organization (WHO) has advised that citizens wear surgical face masks, cloth face masks, scarfs, bandanas, or other face coverings when in public to help slow the spread of the disease. Despite the scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of face masks as it pertains to slowing the spread of diseases, many people feel wearing a face mask is not necessary, and some even go as far as to say that requiring the use of a face mask in the United States is unconstitutional. Although supposedly effective in preventing the spread of disease from person to person, the WHO has stressed that without the participation of all citizens, COVID-19 will continue to spread rapidly throughout the country.
This closely relates to Emile Durkheim’s functionalist perspective of sociology which believes that society is greater than the sum of its parts, because each part of society is working to stabilize society as a whole. As this relates to the current pandemic, businesses and people alike have had to change how they operate in their normal activities in order to help stabilize society from the ongoing threat of a mass spread of COVID-19. From limiting how many patrons can be inside a business at once, to certain types of businesses having to shut down, to masks being mandatory in most cases, there isn’t anyone who hasn’t felt the effects of this disease. The sociological perspective, functionalism, is a big topic when it comes to public health and the current pandemic. The functionalist perspective maintains the idea that parts of a society work together to create a functioning and productive society. In March, practically the entire United States was on lockdown. Businesses were shut down, hospitals were overcrowded, nurses and doctors had to reuse personal protective equipment due to a national shortage. Now that the country has begun to reopen and attempt to adjust to the “new normal”, it’s crucial that everyone does their part to keep themselves and others healthy.
I have mixed feelings regarding requirements for facial coverings. I don’t feel that it is necessary to require every person to wear a mask when entering a public place, I think only those who have symptoms of COVID, or other illnesses should wear a mask. I feel that a cloth face covering really isn’t going to prevent the spread of the disease as well as simple hand hygiene will. I understand the perspective though, but it seems like common sense to me to cover your mouth while coughing or sneezing when you could potentially project saliva or germs onto other people or things they touch. Personally, while wearing a mask I tend to touch my face more. Whether it’s to readjust my mask, or to get a little fresh air here and there which would put me at a higher risk of ingesting the germs if I am not careful with hand hygiene.
I do think that wearing face masks isn’t helping the majority. I feel like even if we didn’t the results would be about the same. I do end up touching my face more and messing with it. I think it’s more of to make people think the country is doing something to help but regardless tons of people end up wearing them just to get inside somewhere then take it off. At the beginning in April-June I think the masks were fair but now I believe we would be fine without the requirement of them.What I mainly wonder is how long will the requirement of masks last.
I agree with the other comments posted before me. I feel like both people made good points. I think it also matters a lot what kind of mask you are wearing. Some masks protect yourself but not others, while other masks protect others and not yourself. If I am wearing a mask, I want to know that I’m protecting myself as well as others, otherwise I feel it kind of defeats the purpose. Additionally, I feel like mask-wearing really only is effective if everyone takes it seriously and follows the recommendations. Do you think everyone really washes their mask every day? When you’re in the bathroom, do you think behind the privacy of stalls, people are strictly wearing the masks? Have you seen people who wear the mask below their nose? There are so many contributing factors to the effectiveness of masks. I’d like to point out as well that in this blog post, it is said, “Since the beginning of its rapid worldwide spread, the World Health Organization (WHO) has advised that citizens wear surgical face masks, cloth face masks, scarfs, bandanas, or other face coverings when in public to help slow the spread of the disease.” I remember explicitly at the beginning of the pandemic, it was not at all recommended to wear masks. When we were first receiving news on the virus, my boyfriend said we should get masks. I told him they would make no difference, because that was what world health leaders were saying at the time. I know there is room for improvement with science. They cannot be right from the get go on every topic. There has to be room for error and for correction. It is, however, difficult to understand how there can be a complete 180 in information. One day masks are useless, and the next they are going to save us from the pandemic. It’s hard to reconcile in my mind, and so I understand other people’s hesitation.
Katie Fincher
Great post! I think it’s interesting how divisive the issue of masks is. I feel like many of the issues stem from confusing information. Like the above comment mentioned, masks were not recommended at the beginning of the pandemic, but are now strictly enforced. This was very confusing, but with more information on the virus, it was likely health leaders better understood the effects masks have. Everyone wears masks now to stop the spread of virus and keep our society functioning. I think it’s interesting that in many other countries, masks were a normal part of life before the pandemic, as people would wear them whenever they had any illness. Do you think in the future, after the pandemic, people will wear masks when they have illnesses like colds or sinus infections? Or do you think masks will fade away?
Riley Roberts
Thank you for your comment! I personally wouldn’t be surprised if the people who have wore masks from the beginning continue to wear them for longer than the official “government mandate”. I know wearing a mask in public makes me feel safer, not only because it protects me from others, but it also makes me feel better to know that I’m protecting others as well.
I agree with the comment that stated, “people have had to change how they operate in their normal activities in order to help stabilize society from the ongoing threat of a mass spread of COVID-19”. I think that it is important consider others in the situation that our world is facing right now and I think that is how functionalism comes into play. You all did a good job of informing us in your post about how people have had to change their ways of living so that our society can still be able to function in some ways.
Jacob P
I really like how your post is written! It offers an interesting insight into both sides of the mask argument. Personally, I stand sort of middle of the road. I agree that masks are uncomfortable and inconvenient and would rather not wear them if that were the best option. However, they absolutely do, at least in part, help prevent the spread of disease. If we required masks only for people who felt ill who would monitor that? Not to mention that a large number of cases, for Covid-19 and countless other illnesses, are asymptomatic and don’t make you fill ill but you can still spread it to others. I agree that wearing masks sucks, but if there is even the slightest possibility, no matter how small, that my wearing of a mask prevents the death of someone like my grandma or a mother and her baby that I walk by in a store, I will absolutely wear one. For me this isn’t about being uncomfortable or even unconstitutional, it’s about protecting the lives of my fellow humans.
Riley Roberts
I couldn’t have said it better myself. I don’t think wearing a mask should be a political debate. Mask-wearing was never about politics, it’s about protecting others from germs you may not know you have. Very well said!
I agree that fighting COVID-19 and returning to “normal” as soon as possible requires efforts from everyone in a society. I liked your choice of theory; functionalism fits your topic very well. It describes the workings of every group in society to make a well-operating society. In this case, to make a healthy society as well. Why do you think people are so against wearing a mask if it’s for the greater good of our society and personal health?
Riley Roberts
I personally feel like the choice to not wear a mask in public is a selfish one, to be blunt. I can see as a young, healthy adult/teenager why you wouldn’t be afraid of getting a “flu-like” illness for yourself. However, the people that you come in contact with in public on a daily basis may not be in the same boat as you. Not only does your mask protect you, it protects the people around you from your germs. Groups like the elderly, the immunocompromised, and the already ill are at a much higher risk of having life-threatening complications if they were to contract COVID than a healthy, young adult. I think the research and evidence on masks speaks for itself.
I loved this post! You are absolutely right that in order for us to return to our version of normal we all need to do our part and wear masks. I know that there are several, I don’t know if “rumors” is the correct term, that say masks are also not good for us to wear because germs and bacteria collect around your mouth and can cause us to get sick. What do you think about these “rumor”?
Riley Roberts
I personally think the benefits of wearing a face mask outweigh the risks. I have been wearing one in public since March and I have never had an issue with being able to breathe or touching my face or being uncomfortable. I also don’t believe there is much evidence to support these “rumors”, however I could be wrong.
I want to chime in about our feelings in the comments. Your feelings aren’t public health. You should all always be asking, what does the data say? What does the science say? The science has been pretty clear on the value of masks. Masks are not 100% effective, but my mask works better if you are wearing your mask and your mask works better if I am wearing my mask. Different masks work better than others, but the best mask for you is the one that you will wear. Masks are also thought to reduce viral load so that if you interact with someone that is positive and you both are wearing a mask, if you contract covid, it should be less severe. Note, should be.
Covid-19 is spread through aerosols. Hand washing is, of course, very important (like always), but covid has more limited more spread through touch than through the air. That’s why masks are super important.
I agree that the messaging on masks was confusing at first. The reality was that there weren’t enough masks for the people who needed them the most at the time (healthcare workers). Now cloth masks (and disposable) are plentiful and inexpensive.
Seatbelts do not save everyone’s life who is involved in a car crash, but it keeps you safer. Some people that regularly exercise and eat very healthy still die prematurely. The point is that very few things are 100%.
I actually think the bigger debate on masks is about people who feel a shared sense of obligation to help and protect others and those that do not. I could be mistaken, but that difference really seems to be at play. (I don’t know any of you well enough to make that claim about you. I’m talking about my observations on mask-wearing in general.)
#MaskUp #DoYourPart
Riley Roberts
I totally agree and I think you bring up a really good point. The evidence we have on face masks never guaranteed 100% effectiveness. However, there is strong evidence to suggest that they are most effective when both parties are wearing one. This is the main reason why we picked functionalism as our perspective because although it may not be what everyone wants to do, it’s important that we all do our part to keep each other safe. I feel as though wearing a mask nowadays is more of a common courtesy than anything, knowing that you could be protecting someone else from an illness that you might not even know you have. Thank you for your input!
Do you all think that the divisions on mask-wearing are a larger sign of dysfunction in the US? Do you think Durkheim would say that it is or isn’t?
Kimberly Groves
To wear a mask or not is your right. However, when should what personally is easier for you to be a lower priority then what is in the best interest of the society? I am one who enjoys not being told what to do or face any consequences for that matter. However, I still wear a mask because I know my neighbor beside me might be medically ill, or more suspectable. Not only that but I understand that although if I got the Corona statically speaking I should be able to beat it and live. That may not be the case for the man or woman sitting next to me. Obviously, functionalism is hard to achieve when the “fun” aspect of society is shut down. Would wearing a mask change that>
Riley Roberts
I 100% agree with you. Although wearing a face mask may not be the most desirable option, I think it’s way more important to protect the people around you from germs that you may not even know you have. No one likes being told what to do, but during a time like this it requires participation from everyone to keep each other safe.
I personally don’t love face masks, but I completely understand why we have to wear them. That is why I just kinda suck it up and wear it. In the beginning, I didn’t understand a whole lot about this. I saw no reason to wear it. Once facts came into play, I started to understand why we need to wear them. I think your blog is overall written well. You related the functionalist perceptive with your topic very well.
Riley Roberts
Thank you for the kind words! I definitely agree that in the beginning, not a lot of people took it seriously or even had any idea that it was going on in other countries. However, now that we have more research and evidence to back up what many people have been saying for awhile, I don’t see a reason to not wear a mask until the pandemic is under control.
I completely agree that it is important for all parts of society to work together as a whole to get the United States back in order. I always wear a mask everywhere, since we are supposed to, but I have recently been seeing many more people not wearing face masks out in public. I understand in the beginning why people didn’t wear masks, as they weren’t mandated. It makes me wonder now if people still aren’t wearing masks because of the fact that it wasn’t mandated from the beginning. I know that is one belief that many people bring up from the community that I live in.
Riley Roberts
I think you bring up a good point. Every time I see someone not wearing a mask in public, I definitely wonder what the reason is. Seeing as though our government has mandated wearing a mask in public, you would think that more people would begin to take it more seriously. I think a large part of that is that people don’t like being told what to do, which I understand. However, I personally feel like the health and safety of our citizens is much more important than our own pride.
I enjoyed your post, and agree with both sides of the argument. Masks can get in the way and may be uncomfortable, but they are a necessary part of life right now. If it can help stop or slow the spread of covid 19 then I will gladly wear one. I also agree about how everyone within a society must contribute by wearing a mask if we want to slow the spread of covid 19, as this pandemic has affected everyone.
Your blog was very interesting! I agree with how you said there are still those people who will refuse to wear a mask but that’s only making the problem worse. By not having everyone contribute, the pandemic will only spread and get worse. I know I absolutely hate having to wear a mask 24/7 at work but I’m slowly getting use to it. We all have to do our own part in order for this to work and decrease the number of COVID cases. I like how you used functionalism as a way of explaining how we all have to change part of our lives in order for this pandemic to hopefully end. Lastly, even after the pandemic ends, do you believe masks will still be mandatory or will they be a new normal for the rest of our lives?
Thank you for your comment! I personally don’t think masks will be a requirement long-term, especially with the amount of people that complain about having to wear one. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if people do continue to wear them in public even after the mandate is lifted.
Bailey Simpson
I think your group did a great job in presenting the information, it is interesting to see a different point of view on things. My personal opinion is that it should be up to the individual business wether or not to mandate masks, If the store or business requires me to wear one in order to get service it is their right as a business. I think mandating masks as a whole is violating the personal freedoms that we have. However, if a business is asking that you wear a mask, I do not think that people should be rude to the employees that are just doing their jobs. Would you guys wear masks everywhere if it wasn’t mandated?
Thank you for your comment! I personally was wearing a mask in public at the beginning of the outbreak here in the US, so I would continue to wear one even if it wasn’t mandated. I agree that each person has a right to choose whether or not to wear a mask. However, when it is in the interest of public health, I do believe the government has a right to mandate it.
Your post was very descriptive and had really good reasoning. I like that you brought in that parts of a society need to work together to create a productive society. It really suits the topic because if we can all keep wearing safe masks and stay sanitary, then we can recover from this together. I also agree with the above comments that it shouldn’t be a political issue. Of course wearing a mask isn’t exactly enjoyable, but it keeps others safe. It also partially keeps you safe. Especially when the people you’re around are wearing them.
Great post! I believe someone said it earlier in the comments, but I find it interesting that masks and whether or not they work is one of the most divisive topics of the past year. Personally, I am under the assumption that the masks have worked to an extent, but it also goes hand in hand with still socially distancing. I think a lot of people didn’t really take the entire situation the most serious that we could’ve and is a reason why we’re still dealing with it so heavily. Overall, we have to work together as a society to finally take care of this virus, which is why I think your relation to functionalism is a fantastic connection as well. I am curious to see if masks are still used in a post-pandemic world. Many other countries strongly encourage the use of masks, even without a pandemic, if someone is feeling slightly ill, but still needs to get out and take care of things. I am anxious to see if they will still be used for those reasons, or if they will just be an aspect of this time period that never comes back around again.
Peyton Resler
I think that there are so many people that think that since they are not likely to be heavily effected by COVID 19 because they are in good health that they think they can choose to not wear a mask in public even after it was mandated. I think that people choosing to not wear a mask in public shows how selfish they are. Do you think if our local government would have actually punished those caught without a mask then it would have affected others decisions to wear one? Could we have done more as a state to encourage people to wear their masks to protect others?
I do believe that wearing a face mask of some sort will seriously help this pandemic go away. Many people act as if it is too much to wear them but honestly they are not even that bad. I hardly notice I have one on anymore and at this point it is very normal to me. It is not ideal but if we help stop the spread we can stop wearing them sooner. People do not take masks serious enough and they do not take the pandemic serious enough either. I personally like my sense of taste and smell, so I do not want it. I wish others would be more considerate because some of our loves ones would not be able to fight it.
I personally think that wearing a mask is important, but I think there is a hierarchy that comes into play with them. Like others have mentioned masks in the beginning were not so clearly stated as to whether people should use them or not and people were unsure. At that time we also knew or thought that people that were older had a greater chance of being severely injured or hospitalized than younger children. I feel that the effort that should have been made was that people in the health care area along with elderly people should have been given the chance to get masks first even when we didn’t know for sure back then if they would help all that much since it could have helped mitigate some of the damage. Good well written post also.
I get mask are important, but I don’t think it really helps. I mean, you use it to get into public spaces but them you take it off, so I feel like it really does not help. I think that the people who’s really sick are the ones that should use it.
Tyrique Turpin
This is a good post because it’s important to us to wear mask to protect our lungs, and I know that another people has asthma can be affected by the coronavirus because their lungs swelling up and your breathing feels like it get tightened up such as me having asthma and having short breath made me feel stiff and can’t calm down scared me, but I don’t understand why people before they enter to a store feels like a need to not wear a mask because they feel like they won’t catch the Coronavirus which it’s crazy. I feel like sometimes, I hate wearing mask because you get hard time to breathe and the side of the mask tend to snap and break and have to get another one is wasting money though