We asked our student ambassadors if they remember a “total freshman move” they made when beginning college or to reflect back on their growth through their college experience.
Kate Colpetzer, Health Services Management student

Today I wanted to take a journey and reflect on one funny mistake I made as a freshman in college. One specific embarrassing memory comes to mind immediately.
My very first time in the dining hall, I was walking with my dirty dishes to put them on the conveyer belt. As I was walking up, I must have tripped or lost my grip on my plate because suddenly my dishes were no longer in my hands; they were on the floor. My plastic cup and tiny fork sounded like an atomic bomb going off. The whole dining hall went silent and looked over as I was scrambling on the ground to retrieve my dishes. I still die a little inside to this day thinking about it.
But the reason I have decided to publicly share this embarrassing story to the internet is so that people feel less alone. I think it is hard going into college. For the first couple of days, you feel disoriented as you move through a place you may have only visited for a couple hours before. It can be really scary, and in that state, we are prone to little mess ups.
If you take away anything from this, know that even if you make a mistake worse than silencing an entire dining hall of people, those who witness it have most likely forgotten it. Learn to forgive yourself and be stronger from the mistakes that you make!
Ameriah Jackson, Health Systems Management student
I wanted to share one freshman mistake I made. My freshman year I underestimated the amount of time it took to study properly. I didn’t typically plan a designated time to study after class and would wait until 2 days before tests to review information. Take it from me, study and plan to review material AT LEAST a week before a test and 2-3 days before a quiz.
Some great resources to help with studying are Quizlet, reviewing with classmates, study guides, and finding any tutors on campus or through your professor. *Some professors have teacher assistants that may be able to offer help as well. Share below some study tips you use!
Lucy Khatib, Epidemiology student
My freshman rookie mistake is that I brought a planner, but never used it! For the first week of classes I used it but after a few weeks I forgot to use it to organize. This year it is my goal to stick to my planner and not get behind on organization.
Jaida Speth, Health Services Management student

Where has the time gone? As I think back to when I started my freshman year at IUPUI, I can’t help but appreciate how much I have grown. Here are a couple of things I have learned since I arrived on campus 4 years ago.
I learned how to be independent. It’s something that has taken some getting used to, but it is empowering. I learned that it’s okay to ask for help and discovered myself beyond my degree. There have been so many opportunities to take up new hobbies and join clubs!
Being a student at IUPUI is so much more than just getting a degree! It has been a challenging and fulfilling four years filled with so much growth that I am not sure would have been made if I didn’t take the risk of going to college 5 hours away from home.
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