We asked our student ambassadors to share what it’s like being part of the FSPH experience.
Kate Colpetzer, Epidemiology student

When I reflect on being a part of the Fairbanks community, I’m met with fond memories.
There have been so many moments where I have learned above and beyond what I expected to learn about public health, in the classroom, and in practice. On top of that, I’ve made one of my closest friends through Fairbanks and we have formed a super awesome friend group.
Though we all are now diverging into our seperate paths through college, we still are making plans to hang out! Because Fairbanks is a tight-knit community, you meet and grow with your peers. Personally, that is my favorite aspect about being a part of this school.
For new individuals thinking about coming to the Fairbanks School of Public Health, know that there is always room for connecting and mingling when you’re in our community. You may even meet your best friends here!
Ameriah Jackson, Health Systems Management student
I wanted to share my favorite aspect of being part of Fairbanks School of Public Health. FSPH has a well-connected community, which is what I value the most. I personally feel when you have a strong group of individuals surrounding and motivating you, life becomes easier.
FSPH offers a ton of support and opportunities to their students. Not only this, but you will most likely create multiple connections with individuals who are doing unique and game-changing work. I am honored to be included in this community and can’t wait to see what the future holds for all of us!
Lucy Khatib, Epidemiology student
My favorite aspect of the school is connecting with those who love epidemiology. This includes passionate staff, professors and students.
There are lots of ways to connect to these individuals like the undergraduate student association for Fairbanks!
Jaida Speth, Health Services Management student

The IU Fairbanks School of Public Health has so much to offer to its students and staff! One of my favorite aspects of being a part of this decade-old school has been the opportunities to network and grow as a young professional and aspiring leader.
The professors and staff within the FSPH have a wealth of knowledge, depth of research, and an impressive collection of connections in the ‘real world.’
I have always appreciated the diverse backgrounds and careers each of my instructors and professors has been able to offer. If they haven’t experienced something firsthand in the field you are interested in, they know someone who has and never hesitate to put you in contact!
Expanding my network has always been one of my top priorities, and the FSPH has made it easy. The opportunities are endless!
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