The Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs will be busy during the upcoming Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Research Conference in Atlanta Nov. 9-11.
With a rich history of academic achievement and a strong tradition of shaping policy debates, the O’Neill School’s involvement in the APPAM Conference is an opportunity to showcase our cutting-edge research, impactful collaborations, and our passion for driving positive change in the world.
We would also like to congratulate Paul H. O’Neill Professor Douglas Noonan from our Indianapolis campus, who will be honored along with Georgia Tech colleague Daniel Matisoff with the World Citizen Prize in Environmental Performance Award at the conference. Noonan and Matisoff are being recognized for the research presented in their recent book “Ecolables, Innovation, and Green Market Transformation.” This award marks the third time in four years an O’Neill faculty member has received the honor.
We invite all of our APPAM colleagues to join us at a reception Thursday, Nov. 9, from 7-9 p.m. where we will honor Professor Noonan for his award.
While at the conference, please join us for discussions on pressing issues while forging connections that will shape the future of public policy and environmental management. O’Neill School faculty and students (in bold) will be part of the following scheduled events:
Thursday, Nov. 9
8:30-10 a.m., Embassy E
Panel: Measuring the Impacts of Economic and Policy Transitions on Agricultural Land Use Change
Wesley Zebrowski, Indiana University
Nikos Zirogiannis, Indiana University
Laura Montenovo, Purdue University
Angela Babb, Bloomington Food & Farm Council
“The Impact of County Boards on Discretionary Rental Rate Adjustments in the Conservation Reserve Program”
Wesley Zebrowski, Indiana University
“Understanding the Long-Term Impact of U.S. Specialty Crop Policy”
Shellye Suttles, Indiana University
Julia Valliant, Indiana University
Gregory Astill, USDA Economic Research Service
8:30-10 a.m., Embassy F
Panel: Maternal Health
“Maternal Antidepressants Demand during the COVID-19 Pandemic”
Sumedha Gupta, IUPUI
Kosali Simon, Indiana University
Dario Salcedo, Indiana University
8:30-10 a.m., Embassy G
Panel: The Aging Population: Financing, Long-Term Care, and Racial-Ethnic Disparities
Megdalynn Fisher, Indiana University
Ashley Bradford, Georgia Institute of Technology
Joseph Benitez, University of Kentucky
Engy Ziedan, Tulane University
“The Impact of Medicaid Financing Shenanigans on Long-Term Care: Supplemental Payments, Government Ownership, and Nursing Home Quality”
Megdalynn Fisher, Indiana University
10:15-11:45 a.m., Grand Hall D
Panel: Healthcare Policy
Megdalynn Fisher, Indiana University
Rebecca Myerson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
10:15-11:45 a.m., Fairlie
Panel: Crime & Health
“Psychiatric Treatment and Police Officer Safety”
Catherine Maclean, George Mason University
Monica Deza, Hunter College
Thanh Lu, Temple University
Alberto Ortega, Indiana University
1:45-3:15 p.m., Embassy G
Panel: Resources for Minority Entrepreneurs: Challenges and Solutions
- Scott Langford, Arizona State University
Sameeksha Desai, Indiana University
Diana Hechavarria, Texas Tech University
Adams Bailey, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
1:45-3:15 p.m., Edgewood
Panel: Measuring and Preventing Health Insurance Coverage Losses after the End of Medicaid’s Continuous Enrollment Provision
“State ACA Medicaid Expansions and the Medicaid Continuity of Coverage Rules during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency”
Sumedha Gupta, IUPUI
Kosali Simon, Indiana University
Coady Wing, Indiana University
1:45-3:15 p.m., Hanover E
Roundtable: Urban Resilience to Disasters and Crises
Naim Kapucu, National Academy of Public Administration
Joe Trainor, University of Delaware
Oronde Drakes, US. Geological Survey
Ann-Margaret Esnard, Georgia State University
Douglas Noonan, IUPUI
Lilliard Richardson, Pennsylvania State University
1:45-5 p.m., Embassy D
Workshop: Translating Good Research into Good Policy
Florence Lecraw, Georgia State University
Kosali Simon, Indiana University
Jon Schwabish, Urban Institute, Washington, D.C.
Nancy Condon, Federal Bank of Atlanta
Rebecca Grapevine, Atlanta Business Chronicle
3:30-5 p.m., Hanover C
APPAM Entrepreneurship Policy Fellowship Class *Invite Only*
Cathy Liu, Georgia State University,
Douglas Noonan, IUPUI
Elsie Harper-Anderson, Virginia Commonwealth University
Alexandra Graddy-Reed, University of Southern California
Ting Zhang, University of Baltimore
3:30-5 p.m., Vinings
Panel: Extending Clean Energy Technologies to Underserved Communities and Households
“Electric Vehicles and Equity: Aligning Incentives and Compatible Transportation Behavior”
Joe Bozeman III, Georgia Institute of Technology
Sanya Carley, University of Pennsylvania
Daniel Matisoff, Georgia Tech
Destenie Nock, Carnegie Mellon University
Jeremy Michalek, Carnegie Mellon University
David Konisky, Indiana University
“Residential Solar Access and Energy Insecurity: An Evaluation of Preventative Solutions”
Trevor Memmott, Indiana University
Madeline Yozwiak, Indiana University
Sanya Carley, University of Pennsylvania
David Konisky, Indiana University
Galen Barbose, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Cristina Crespo Montanes, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Friday, Nov. 10
8:30-10 a.m., Embassy F
Panel: Examining the Role of Medicaid Coverage for Health and Health Care Among Postpartum People, Older Adults, and Children
“Unwinding of Medicaid Continuous Coverage and Health Care Utilization of Older Adults: Evidence from Electronic Health Records”
Hailemichael Shone, Indiana University
Sumedha Gupta, IUPUI
Kosali Simon, Indiana University
Coady Wing, Indiana University
Engy Ziedan, Tulane University
8:30-10 a.m., Embassy G
Panel: Entrepreneurs, Firm Demographics, and Public Policy
“Is Entrepreneurship Good for Society? the Firm Age-Size Puzzle and Social Inclusion”
Sameeksha Desai, Indiana University
8:30-10 a.m., Inman
Panel: Insights into Climate Adaptation
“Social Inequalities in Climate Change Adaptation”
Sechindra Vallury, University of Georgia
Nathan Cook, IUPUI
8:30-10 a.m., Roswell
Panel: The Impact of Funding Shocks on School and District Finances: Exploring Consequences for Stability, Equity, Student Learning, and Beyond
“The Impact of School Spending on Confidence in Government Entities: The Case of School Finance Reforms”
Christian Buerger, IUPUI
Mark Chin, Vanderbilt University
10:15-11:45 a.m., Embassy G
Panel: Natural Disasters and Community Resources: Housing, Management, and Vulnerability
“Housing and Flood Zone Dynamics”
Pin Sun, Renmin University of China
Douglas Noonan, IUPUI
Lilliard Richardson, Pennsylvania State University
1:45-3:15 p.m., Learning Center Ampitheater
Panel: Racial and gender equity in the workplace
“Difficulty-Driven Entrepreneurship: Does the Gender Wage Gap Drive Female Entrepreneurship?”
Sameeksha Desai, Indiana University
Ting Zhang, University of Baltimore
3:30-5 p.m., Edgewood
Panel: Causal Effects of COVID Daycare and Schooling Policies on Employment and Earnings
Kosali Simon, Indiana University
“Worker Sorting on COVID-19 Death Risk – Evidence from the Demographics, Health and Death Certificate Data”
Cong Gian, Indiana University
3:30-5 p.m., Hanover A
Panel: Mortality: Its Social Determinants and the Role of Public Policy
“The Unintended Consequences of Monitoring Technologies: Evidence from the Eld Mandate”
Dario Salcedo, Indiana University
Shellye Suttles, Indiana University
Wesley Zebrowski, Indiana University
3:30-5 p.m., Hanover B
Panel: Entrepreneurship and Policy: APPAM Entrepreneurship Policy Fellowship Program 2022 Cohort Panel
Cathy Liu, Georgia State University
Ting Zhang, University of Baltimore
Douglas Noonan, IUPUI
Alexandra Graddy-Reed, University of Southern California
Saturday, Nov. 11
8:30-10 a.m., Kennesaw
Panel: Equity and the Environment: Multiple Methods and Multifaceted Consideration of Local Contexts Are Necessary
“Experimental Evidence on Minority Participation and the Design of Community-Based Natural Resource Management Programs”
Nathan Cook, IUPUI
10:15-11:45 a.m., Hanover B
Panel: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment in the 21st Century Economy
“Racial Protests and Credit Access”
Raffi Garcia, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Alberto Ortega, Indiana University
Noon-1:30 p.m., Grand Hall West
“Changes in Cognitive Health and Access to Health Care Services Among US Adults at Age 65 Years”
Eli Baratz, Indiana University
“Health Outcomes, Information Costs, and the Rise of Telehealth during the COVID-19 Pandemic”
Austin Knies, Indiana University
1:45-3:15 p.m., Hanover D
Panel: End of Life Decisions: Health Behaviors, Economics, and Public Policy
“Do State Level Assisted Suicide Laws Normalize Unassisted Suicide?”
Coady Wing, Indiana University
3:30-5 p.m., Embassy G
Panel: Exploring the Utility of Adaptive Governance for Addressing Emergent Problems
Jennifer Biddle, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Marquise McGraw, American University
Diane Henshel, Indiana University
George Hawkins, Moonshot Missions, LLC
3:30-5 p.m.
Panel: Policy Implementation across the Life Course: How Regulatory Differences Affect Vulnerable Populations
“Federal Devolution and State-Level Innovation: Families First and the Unfulfilled Promise of Child Welfare Transformation”
Bethany Elston, University of Chicago
Mary Kay Gugerty, University of Washington
Jennifer Mosley, University of Chicago
Lehn Benjamin, Indiana University
Nicole Marwell, University of Chicago