Untitled, 1972 Untitled, 1977 Mandala, 1982 Ferris Wheel, 1988 The Maze, 1988 Whirling Pentagons, 1988 Polytwist, 1989 Morton C. Bradley, Jr. (1912-2004) Metal, Paper, Enamel, Mixed Media, Various Sizes Located in the original building atrium, suspended from the ceiling *Unfortunately, some of the sculptures did not yield good-quality photos. As a result, only the four… Read more »
Tag: math
Morton C. Bradley, Jr.
Morton C. Bradley, Jr. (who affectionately went by Bob) (1912-2004) was an American artist and sculptor born in Arlington, Massachusetts. Several members of his family (mother and grandmother specifically) grew up in the Wylie House in Bloomington, Indiana and he grew up hearing stories about the homestead and city of Bloomington. Some background on the… Read more »