Mary Ann Davis (b. 1954) is an artist and instructor active in central and southern Indiana, focusing primarily on plein air painting, pastels, and printmaking. Mary Ann Davis earned a BFA in lithography from Herron School of Art and then studied painting under Antonius Raemaekers, Lofis, Griffel, and Carolyn Anderson. She has experience as a graphic designer, in addition to being a professional artist and instructor, and founded Davis Graphic Design in 1991.
Davis’s goal as an artist is to share her view of the world, and she utilizes impressionistic elements of color, movement, and vitality in her work to convery feelings and seen (as well as the colors she sees within a scene) (Indiana Artisan feature). Her piece in the O’Neill School, Kelly Hill Vista, won the TC Steele Great Outdoors Paint Competition in 2004. She is a member of the Brown County Art Guild (since 2011), a member of Indiana Artisan, and a signature member of the American Impressionist Society (Brown County Art Guild artist page).
Although Davis has exhibited and continues to exhibit in galleries and locations across the country, she has distinct ties to Indiana. Her subject material is Indiana landscapes and scenes and she is in numerous groups across the state. Most recently, she was also selected as one of the artists to contribute to Painting Indiana: The Changing Faces of Agriculture project, which will include an interactive traveling exhibit and book (Fine Art America).
Davis explains that Indiana has a rich and storied history of plein air painting, but that her artwork is created in a more distinct way: “I have my own style of laying down the paint or pastel stroke, combined with my palette of color.”
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