With ransomware and other cyberattacks on the rise, Indiana’s colleges and universities need a way to quickly know about and mitigate cybersecurity incidents on their networks.
That’s why I-Light, Indiana’s high-speed research and education network, and the Indiana GigaPOP are partnering with ResearchSOC partner OmniSOC to provide these services to its members—at no extra cost. This collaboration will create a new model for a regional network to deliver services to its customers.
The Omni Security Operations Center (OmniSOC) is a pioneering initiative founded by members of the Big Ten Academic Alliance that helps higher education institutions reduce the impact of cybersecurity threats. OmniSOC has since expanded to include several new members.
In September, OmniSOC presented an overview of the project at the 2021 I-Light Members Meeting. A video recording of that presentation is now available.
Presenters include:
Tom Johnson, chief technology officer, I-Light and Indiana GigaPOP
CJ Kloote, security platform engineering team lead and OmniSOC CISO
Scott Orr, SOC operations manager, OmniSOC
Susan Sons, deputy director, ResearchSOC
Von Welch, executive director, OmniSOC
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