Two, four, six… and sometimes even more; there are a number of collaboration screens we see being placed in classrooms around IU campuses. And classrooms with these screens have become a more common occurrence in recent years. How can these collaboration screens best be utilized? Often, I think that’s the right question asked from the… Read more »
Tag: lessons
Using Solstice to Start a Discussion

Introducing a new topic to your students can be the perfect opportunity to ask them to share what they are thinking and get a glimpse into their preconceived notions about that topic. Knowing what students know, don’t know, and misunderstand about a subject or an idea can be a helpful guide for shaping your teaching… Read more »
Elaine Monaghan shares her Mosaic Fellowship experience

Today we welcome to the Mosaic Blog, Elaine Monaghan, Professor of Practice in Journalism and Public Relations at IUB’s Media School. She is our first of many faculty who will be sharing their experiences teaching in Mosaic and traditional classrooms across Indiana University. Below, Elaine, shares about teaching in one of the IU Media School’s Mosaic classrooms…. Read more »