The Tian Long Project aims to foster the cybersecurity culture in Taiwan from the bottom up, with the perception of the Internet as Commons. The project is co-led by Simon Sun and Oscar Engelbrektsson.
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Simon Sun is an S.J.D. candidate at Indiana University, Maurer School of Law. His research concerns platform liability, privacy, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and blockchain governance. He examines the liability of Internet intermediaries and algorithmic harm in his dissertation research. His recent research includes a forthcoming publication entitled “Defending Taiwan’s Democracy in the Internet Commons” in an edited volume published by Cambridge University Press. Simon Sun holds an LL.M. degree from Duke Law School and an LL.B. degree from National Chung Cheng University.

Oscar Engelbrektsson is a Cyber Security consultant with broad experience working with both EU-legislation such as GDPR, NIS2 and UN ECE R155 as well as Chinese legislation such as the The Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China (中華人民共和國網絡安全法). A large focus has been on connected systems such as automotive IoT and industrial control systems in critical infrastructure. Oscars Alma Mater is Halmstad University with a focus on Digital Forensics and Information Security as well as Soochow University in Taipei where he studied the Chinese Language.